Chapter 9: Candy Stores & Relatives

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Hi besties! Firstly, how yall doing? Secondly, sorry for the lack of updates! School and writers block were kicking my ass. Thirdly, BIG shout out to YOLOwriting101 for helping me get through a tough spot, because life is a bitch. Go and follow them if you haven't already, please! Anyways, to the story!

This chapter has been edited!!

Max's POV-

To say I was nervous, would be a complete fucking understatement. I was going on a date, or shopping spree, whatever you want to call it. And it was with THIS handsome man right beside me! Again, I was freaking the hell out! This was my first date EVER! So, I don't want to fuck this up. Another reason why I'm internally freaking out. What if I say the wrong thing? What if I fall and embarrass myself? Because believe it or not, I am extremely clumsy.

It's as if Lucas is a psychic or something, because while these thoughts were running through my brain, he slowly intertwined his hand with my hand that was resting on my lap. The sparks started shooting up my body, but it had a calming effect on me.

"What's on your mind?" Lucas asked, soothingly. "Might be best to let it out." Damn him, being right. I took a breath and answered him truthfully.

"I'm nervous", I state, bluntly. "I'm nervous because this is my first date. I'm nervous about screwing it up." He chuckled.

"Then don't view this as a date", Lucas said. "It doesn't have be one if you don't want it to be. Just think about it as a shopping spree to get everything you need. We can take this slow, its not a problem." I smiled with gratitude and squeezed his hand. I'm grateful he's taking it slow with me. I know that his wolf must be driving Lucas insane, wanting to mate with me right away. But I'm nowhere near ready for that. I've literally just met the man for Goddess's sake!

"Thank you", I whispered. He squeezed my hand back, and grinned.

"You're welcome, Max", Lucas whispered back. He continued to hold my hand the rest of the drive to Denver, sparks coursing through my body, but they were calming. He let go once the city lights came into view. I pouted from the loss of sparks, missing them and his touch greatly. Without the sparks to keep me calm, my nerves and anxiety kicked back in. "It will be alright. Everything is fine," I thought to myself. "It's not even a real date. You'll be ok." Taking multiple deep breaths, I got my nerves under control a little. I've never been to a city before. I've never even left the borders of my clan until a few days ago when I was banished. We had modern technology at the clan, but not very much. The reason behind this was that so much magical energy was in the air, and that would make the circuits or whatever makes the electronics work malfunction and have a mini explosion. Sure, we had electricity, but even then, it was from generators that were enchanted to never run out of power. Basically, if you live in a mage clan, magic is used for almost everything. And since they are usually pretty small, all of the city lights, cars, noise, and the amount of people were all brand new to me. Fuck it. I reached into my pocket and took out the small gold coin, along with my amulet and put it on, while clutching the coin in my hands.

"Lectos, Espiritox", I muttered. A faint gold glow emitted from the coin, fading into my hands. A warm rush of energy flew through my body as my magic returned.

"I thought you had gotten rid of your magic", Lucas said, puzzled.

"I did, I was just calling it back", I confirmed. "It's for the best probably. I've never been to a city or been around so many people before."

"Smart move", Lucas agreed. "It's unlikely, but anything could happen."

"I feel whole again too", I said." It feels like I got a piece of myself back."

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