Mage and Werewolf Ranks

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This page will give information about the different ranks in Werewolf Packs and the hierarchy of Mages.


Alpha- the leader of the pack. They protect the pack, keep it in order, and defend it against attacks from other packs and Rouges. In the case of Lucas, he's protecting his pack from Mages after his mate. The most powerful Alpha in the world is the Werewolf representative in the High Council of the Supernatural. Most Alphas are males, but there are female Alphas.

Luna/Second Alpha- The peace makers of a pack. They keep the pack in peace and they are always there to help pack members. The Luna/Second Alpha of a pack also makes sure that the Alpha doesn't let their position and power go to their head by keeping them balanced mentally.

Beta- the second in command in a pack. They lead the pack when the Alpha is unable to for a period of time, or take over if an Alpha dies and has no heir, or if the Alpha becomes a Rouge.

Delta- the third in rank to Alphas and Betas. Deltas are werewolves in training for the Beta position. Deltas do not have the authority to call large or medium hunts like Betas and Alphas. They can take over the Beta position if the former Beta steps down, is removed from their rank, moves to a different pack, or changes rank, but only at the Alpha's request.

Salutary- the herbal werewolves, or doctors. They heal and care for the sick and injured. They don't have magic or special powers, only special herbs and medicines from resources.

Sentinel- these werewolves ensure that the pack is safe by patrolling the territory and watching the movement of their surroundings. They are responsible for making sure no intruders enter the territory. They also have the responsibility to greet any new visitors and learn where they are from and why they are there. Being in that position, the Sentinel must be sure that the visitors have good intentions as well. If a Sentinel is not present, that duty goes to any adult pack members. Sentinels also make sure that no fights break out in the pack and that the members keep out of trouble. After the warning, the Sentinel may penalize for the aggressiveness if it is continued, and may report to the Beta or Alpha for them to handle.

Elder- these werewolves hold great knowledge and experience in Werewolf Packs. They could've been as high ranks as an Alpha or Beta, and most are older members who decide that the pack is their final resting place. An Elder's option is greatly respected throughout a pack, and they are advisors to the Alphas and Betas. They are asked to be role models to everyone, the Alpha, Beta, pups, Omegas, new visitors, and common Werewolves. They express maturity with their thoughts and actions during serious discussions and conflicts and help whenever and where ever they can, supporting the pack all the way. Elders tend to stay in the background with pack affairs however.

Hunters- these Werewolves who are exceptionally skilled in hunting and traking down prey. The Hunters make sure that the pack has an abundance of food After large hunts, the lead hunter will alert the pack of the food available. Hunters lead the hunts along with the Alpha and/or Beta, directing the members on when it is their turn to charge at the prey. Two titles of hunter are the ambusher and tracker. These titles are given to those ranked hunters that are exceptionally skilled with certain hunting techniques.

Scouts- Scouts are responsible for warning the pack of dangerous territory outside the clearing, if any. Scouts are mainly werewolves known by neighboring packs and visit around often. They stay in touch with other packs and keep friendly relations. They are to report any important changes to the Alpha and beta. For example: if a new pack is formed, scouts are to find out who is the Alpha or Alphas and if the pack is peaceful. Another change includes the banishment of a certain Werewolf from a pack; scouts are to find out who was banished from where and why. This job is important for other packs to stay in alliance and in understanding with another and to ensure the safety.

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