Chapter 10: The Story, Kisses, & Enemies

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Look at that cat! This is Chewbacca! Chewie for short! I didn't name him,  cuz he is my stepmother's cat, and I love him so much! Anyways, back to the story!

This chapter has been edited!!

Lucas's POV-

I was completely rendered speechless. But even that, was a pure understatement. As I listened to Max's story, I listened, fully focused, and I never interrupted him. He first talked about his mother's personality, how kind, generous, and how she tolerated no bullshit or excuses. When it came to family, she was a fierce protector, always ready to fight for them. She had always made time for Max, and how they had gone on long walks in the forest in their borders, and how much they loved their little clearing. He then went on to tell me that she was the one who gave him his dragon amulet. I smiled internally at that, knowing his mother was always there for him, and always gave him love and affection. But the worst part almost had me rendered to tears.

He recalled the moment of his mother's death. The rogues entering their borders, how they had found them at their clearing. How Max and Regina had warned the rogues on their strength in magic. But they persisted. Max told me on how Regina had attacked the rogues, only to have one pounce on her, and bite her neck, killing her. That made me sick to my stomach.

He talked about how much he was traumatized, and how he would sometimes get flashbacks of that moment specifically. And the nightmares he would get would come almost every night for 2 months after the incident. It got so bad that he tried to make a Forgetting Potion, but he was too afraid of what his father would say, so he didn't finish the potion. But the part that made my heart crack a little was still to come.

Max told me about how, because of the incident, he had hated werewolves. He would never kill one (besides the ones at the clearing), but he absolutely despised them. My wolf whimpered at the thought of Max hating both me and him, but he perked up when Max hugged me, saying that he had let that hatred go. And it was because of me and my wolf. We had shown him true compassion, and he instantly let that hatred die.

"And that's it", Max finished. "But like what I said. I have let my hatred for werewolves go. So don't you dare think that I hate you over something you had no part in." He was giving me the "don't test me" look, meaning he was dead serious. I internally chuckled. He looked super cute when he was serious, but I did take him seriously.

Max did care for me, and my wolf. I'm sure it's not to the point of love yet, but there are deep feelings. That much I can tell. But right now, he's on the verge of tears, and all I do is take him in my arms and hold him close.


Max's POV-

It was painful, to say the least, telling Lucas the event when my mother died. The rogues, the grey wolf attacking her, my huge surge of magic, how I felt when I saw my mother's dead body, and how my fath- my old First Enchanter, had been emotionally shaken by his wife's death. But Lucas listened intently, and never interrupted. He would nod his head in response every now and then, but he stayed completely silent. Sometimes glints of unreadable emotion would flash through his eyes, but only for split seconds, then they would disappear. But unmistakable anger flashed in his eyes when I told him about the rogues, but relief when I said that had I killed them.

By the end of telling my story, I felt tears in my eyes. But Lucas took me into his arms and held me to his chest. I managed to keep the tears back, but I still kept my face buried in Lucas's chest. He ran his hand through my hair, whispering sweet things into my ear.

We just sat like that, for what seemed like hours, when it was only a few minutes, just enjoying each other's embrace.

"Thank you, Max, for telling your story", Lucas whispered." It makes me happy that you trusted me enough to tell me." I smiled, and looked up at him, meeting his pretty blue eyes.

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