Chapter 11: Progess & Close Calls

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Video Above- a rouge with a bow and arrow fighting a Vinsomer high dragon

Video Above- a rouge with a bow and arrow fighting a Vinsomer high dragon

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Picture above- a Vinsomer flying

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3rd POV:

1 week later-

Over the last week, much progress had been made between Lucas's and Max's relationship. They became more used to each other, got to know each other a little more, like favorite colors and random stuff, and they were now sleeping in the same bed, as Max had became more comfortable with Lucas. They both enjoyed it to no end, and they slept so much better than before. Since they're mates, their parts of the soul they shared craved each other. But Lucas never forced Max with anything, and he was perfectly happy with taking whatever pace Max wanted.

Max had also made progress with the pack, as they seemed to be less jumpy when he was around. There was still that thin line of tension since Max had magic, and he was amongst werewolves. But they overall treated him with respect, and he to them. They still managed, surprisingly, to keep the fact that they were mates a secret, and they made the people who knew swear to never tell a soul until they said it was alright to do so. They wanted to surprise the pack, not have it ruined by someone running their mouth.

Max's potion was coming along as well. The formula still wasn't perfected, but he was close. However, they weren't the only ones with small successes, for two deadly mages had entered their borders, undetected. They stayed in the shadows, waiting to strike. Little did they know, they would soon get that chance.

Max's POV:

6:00 am-

Waking up in Lucas's arms is the most wonderful experience I have ever had. Him holding me close, his tiny snores, being snuggled up to his chest, my head resting on his delectable pec. Oh, kill me. Not literally, but you get it. As much I wanted to stare at and admire Lucas's pretty face, I needed to train. It's been quite a wile since I've fully trained with my battle magic, and I needed to really badly.

I carefully got out of the bed, so I don't wake up Lucas, and got dressed. A simple grey T-shirt and black gym shorts. I then held out my hand, and in a small puff of white smoke, a pen and sticky note appear in my hand. I wrote "Gone to the lake to train. Be back later. Max." I quietly sat the note on his bedside table, and held out my hand, making my staff fly into it. Using my staff, I caused white smoke to surround me, teleporting me to the lake.

Holding my staff at my side, I took in the lake's beauty. Its crystal clear water, the early morning sunrise shining over it. It was breath-taking, but not as breath-taking as Lucas. I blush at the thought, and immediately turned around and began training. First I began with the element Spirit. Holding my staff in a battle position, I closed my eyes and imagined a barrier being put on a large rock nearby.

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