20 | Summer Flowers

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   A stream of golden sunlight seeped into the newly-decorated room of a young girl, who sat in a lavish forest-green armchair in a newly-decorated room with opulent furnishings all around. As her thin white curtains swayed in the summer breeze, she gazed out at her own reflection in the window, her hazel-brown hair flowing down her neck.

Just as she found herself lost in thought, the voice of a woman called to her from behind.

"Miss Isabella," she turned to see the kind maid who had been serving her, holding a silver tray in her hands. "A letter has arrived for you, from the young lady of House Cherliann."

"From House Cherliann?" She asked, as the maid placed the tray in front of her. If I recall, that's the second most powerful dukedom in all of Laydel...

Her pale, hazel eyes blinked curiously as she noticed the smooth chocolate cake that was situated on the tray beside the letter. "A cake too?"

The maid smiled. "This dessert was delivered along with the envelope. We were instructed by the sender to serve you a slice as you read the letter."

Isabella's eyes widened slightly, her long brown hair falling gently over her slim shoulders. It was then her eyes glazed over the envelope, and she noticed how beautifully decorated it was —with tiny pressed flowers and a smooth wax seal.

The lady of House Cherliann... She put a lot of effort into this! It's so beautiful...

"This is very kind of her..." Isabella stared down at the letter, picking it up with a gleam of excitement in her eyes.

She took the envelope in her hands, carefully sliding a small knife through the wax so that she could read what was written inside. Slowly, Isabella opened up the envelope, her eyes widening at a long letter written in neat, cursive yet readable writing.

Dear Miss Isabella,
   Recently, I heard that a girl my age was adopted into the family of Einfred, which greatly piqued my interest. I apologise for the sudden letter, but as soon as I heard of your existence, I found myself growing excited and curious about you.

My name is Irene Cherliann. Although, you probably know that - since your maid must have already told you who this letter is from. I hope that you will excuse my boldness, but I could not wait to tell you myself... I've been longing to become acquainted with someone my age of my own accord. I know this is brazen of me, but I hope that we can be good friends in the future.

What kinds of things do you like to do for fun? Do you happen to enjoy reading? That's one of my favourite hobbies!

Is life in the Einfred house enjoyable for you? I hope that things are going well! Lady Einfred has always been very kind to me growing up, I see her as a close aunt! I'm sure that your presence will make her very happy.

Also — I do hope that you enjoy the sachertorte I sent along with this letter. The chef at my manor makes the best desserts, I hope that you'll come visit so we can enjoy his food together one day! I'd love to get to know you better, but there's no rush. Please feel free to take your time in replying to this, because I know you must be very busy and still getting accustomed to life as an Einfred.

Ah — it seems that I've written a bit too much — I apologise again for my boldness! I look forward to your response, Miss Isabella!

  Yours faithfully,
Irene Cherliann.

Isabella chuckled softly, as she finished reading the letter sent to her by an unfamiliar, yet warm individual.

"She's so candid... I can't help but find myself liking her!" Isabella beamed, her cheeks glowing a soft red as her maid smiled.

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