25 | Summer Flowers

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   Once Irene had gotten back to the parlour where Haren and Isabella were waiting, the two smiled at her with expectant glistens in their eyes, as she plopped onto one of the leathery sofas. That conversation was exhausting, he's worse than Snow... She thought.

"How did it go? Did you manage to find out why Ivan is mad?" Isabella asked, with Haren beside her looking as worried as ever.

Irene grimaced, rubbing her temples. "Ivan said he's not mad, but jealous of your pet dog."

"...What?" The awe in their voices was enough to make her open her eyes.

"He told me he was upset that you were spending time with Harpi instead of him, which is why Ivan decided he didn't need you if you don't need him."

Isabella frowned, averting her gaze. "That was the reason?" She wore an expression that screamed "then why did I get involved in something so minor?"

Irene couldn't help but wear an expression that responded with "I told you so."

"Come to think of it... He did get upset when I was busy playing with Harpi yesterday..." Haren said, glancing toward the floor as he realised his brother's reasons for ignoring him. "So that was why...! I feel a little bad for him now..."

So do I... Imagine being that bone-headed. Irene sighed internally. Although it's a little cute, I have to admit.

As the room fell into silence for a moment, the white-haired girl stood up, and wore a radiant smile. "Well, now that that's over, I'll be going to the kitchen!" She beamed, already making her way toward the door.

Isabella quickly stood up, walking over to her. "Wait! We can't leave just yet..." Her hazel eyes were glazed with concern as she glanced back at Haren, who was deep in thought. She then leaned in toward Irene's ear, and spoke in a whisper. "While you were gone, he told me that he wanted to do something to make up for his mistakes. And I ended up saying I'll help him..."

Irene frowned, wanting to sigh. But as she looked at the sheepish and apologetic smile on her friend's face, an idea suddenly came to mind.

It was then, Irene's golden eyes lit up, and she turned to the younger twin situated on the sofa. "Haren! You want to make up with Ivan, right?"

He looked up instantly, a confused look on his face when he noticed her sudden enthusiasm. "Huh? Yeah...?"

Irene took his hand, pulling the boy up to his feet as he stood dumfounded before her. His amber eyes widened and a tint of red flushed his cheeks at the cool touch of her hands.

"Let's go to the kitchen together. I know a way you can get Ivan to be happy again!"

It wasn't long until both Isabella and Haren were pulled along with Irene's sudden whim, as she guided them toward the kitchen at the back of the manor. As they traipsed the hallways, the white-haired girl turned to the timid boy beside her, smiling. "Haren, are there any foods that Ivan likes?" She asked him, finally beginning to explain her plan. "If we can make something that he'll like, I'm sure he's going to forgive you."

His honey-brown eyes furrowed, as he thought deeply for a moment. "Well, he likes fish, and spicy foods, and-" just then, his eyes lit up. "Ginger cookies! Those are his favourite, and they're easy to make."

Irene's smile widened. "Great, we can ask the chef to make some! And I can finally have my iced drink..." She sighed contently as the cool sensation of a sweet drink on her tongue entered her imagination.

Meanwhile, Isabella seemed rather sceptical. "Are you sure this will work? Will Ivan really forgive Haren over some cookies?"

Irene kept her smile, but her voice held a tone of seriousness. "He will." Then, she looked at Haren's face, and her eyes glistened with resolve.

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