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  Emerging from the cave, Rayvis and Daniel trailed behind Roan and his father, entering a sprawling expanse that opened up before them. The sky stretched overhead, while the majestic mountain of Terone towered over them.

Guided by Idren, they made their way through a lush green forest, and as the buildings and outlines of a town gradually came into sight, their eyes widened with a mixture of awe and admiration.

The Village of Pelto was a picturesque haven, nestled amidst rolling green hills and gentle streams. Its idyllic beauty was enhanced by the welcoming atmosphere that enveloped the cobblestone streets. The air buzzed with a lively energy as villagers went about their daily routines, their faces alight with warmth and genuine contentment.

The citizens appeared just as anticipated—possessing the same white and silver hair traits inherited from the First Saintess.

Market stalls lined the main square, showcasing an array of colourful goods and mouth-watering treats. The fragrant aroma of freshly baked bread mingled with the scent of blooming flowers, creating a delightful sensory symphony. Children frolicked in open spaces, their laughter filling the air and infusing joy into every corner.

The architecture of the Pelto reflected a harmonious blend of tradition and practicality. Charming cottages stood side by side, adorned with vibrant flower gardens and quaint picket fences. Each house seemed to tell a story, their weathered walls bearing witness to generations past.

Rayvis and Daniel couldn't help but be enchanted by the village's allure. Its timeless beauty and the genuine kindness of its inhabitants filled them with a renewed sense of hope. In this haven of humanity, they felt a respite from the encroaching darkness. It was no wonder the villagers here never ventured outside their walls.

As they accompanied Idren through the streets, Daniel concealed his features beneath the hood of his cloak. Numerous villagers paused to greet Idren and Roan, their curiosity aroused by the unfamiliar individuals following them. Meanwhile, Rayvis maintained an impeccably charming smile, his handsome countenance instantly captivating the gaze of onlookers, causing hushed whispers to swiftly spread throughout the village like wildfire.


Suddenly, an anxious voice reverberated from the vicinity, and Rayvis' attention was seized by the sight of a young woman dashing toward them. Her slender frame was adorned with wild, white curls that bore a faint, barely perceptible hint of pink. Tears glistened in her soft, green eyes, brimming with desperation as she hurriedly approached the young boy.

Roan and his father pivoted toward the source of the voice, their eyes widening with a hint of recognition. Before they could fully comprehend the situation, the girl enveloped Roan in a tight embrace.

"Where did you wander off to again?! I told you to stop sneaking out! I was worried sick!" Her voice overflowed with emotion as she scolded the child.

"Ack— S-Sis! I-It's hard to breathe!"

"Oh, sorry..."

Releasing the child from her firm hug, she carefully inspected him. "You're not injured, right? All your limbs intact? Toes? Fingers?"

"I'm fine!" he protested, wriggling free with a petulant glare. "Geez, quit chasing me all the time! You're so overbearing!"

Taken aback, the sister's expression swiftly shifted from concern to exasperation. "Excuse me?! I'm here trying to ensure you're not stuck in a ditch somewhere, and this is how you treat me?!"

"Eep!..." Roan gasped at her words, stealing a guilty glance in Daniel's direction. Underneath his hood, he noticed the prince's smile, which seemed to say, "Don't worry, I won't disclose how you actually did fall in a ditch and nearly met your demise."

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