66 | White Aster

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   "Your mother is likely to have a difficult pregnancy. Something about her symptoms showing very bad signs," With his talons perched on the large windowsill in Irene's opulent bedroom, the cold light of the moon glistened against Snow's silvery feathers. "Her collapsing in itself is not normal, and she's also been experiencing intense pains that are unhealthy this early on."

Clenching her fists in perturbation, Irene felt a cold sweat running down her spine. She could tell from the graveness in Snow's voice, that he was telling the truth. Even once the palace ball had ended, and everyone returned to their homes for the evening, Sarah had visibly weakened throughout the day.

It was odd. The news of a baby would normally bring great joy to most families. Yet the entire ride home in the carriage, was filled with deathly silence. Sarah seemed to avoid even Rudien, actively ignoring his attempts to make her comfortable. Something must have happened when her parents were left to speak with the doctor, and that something was necessary for Irene to find out.

"Why..." Irene gazed up at the phoenix in desperation. "Why is her pregnancy not going well? Is there any cause?"

Snow lowered his beak. "The doctor didn't know either. Your father..." For a moment, he hesitated to speak. Irene could see the reluctance in those beady eyes, but the look on Irene's face urged him to tell her everything he knew. "...Your father asked if there was any way to ensure the duchess's good health. Even if it meant sacrificing the baby's life."

Eyes widening in shock, Irene felt her heart sink at those words. No wonder Mother was so upset the whole time... She must be mad at him for making such a suggestion.

Silence pervaded the room, and an ache in her chest filled Irene with anxiousness. This was truly a difficult situation, with Sarah's life, as well as the baby's on the line. If things got worse, there was a chance this safe world she managed to build would fall into ruin at the loss of the Duchess.

So even though she's pregnant, she's still in danger... And so is the baby.

Irene thought deeply for a moment, taking a seat on the edge of her bed. Her gaze focused on the hem of her white nightgown, two slim white feet poking out and basking in the moon's glow. Snow observed her clinically for a long moment, silently watching over her as though she was about to cry. She noticed his obvious concern for her, but figured he must have felt bad for her family situation.

In reality, the phoenix grew evermore perturbed by the bright golden light inside her slim figure, visible only to him. A dangerously blinding glow, which could erupt at any moment. The mana in her body is reaching its peak... Snow thought, his feathers stiffening. The time is coming, River. You better have located that summoner stone.

"Is there anything you could do with your powers to help her?" Gazing up at Snow, a hopeful look washed over her face. But the bird could only shake his head slowly.

"Sorry, Sprout. Though I am among the higher spirits, I'm of the defensive class. My abilities only protects from external harm," Snow sighed softly, and it was unusual even for him to seem at a loss. "What you're looking for is a healing class spirit."

Irene frowned, laying back on her bed with her arms extended out against the plush duvet. Her body sank into the mattress, eyes glued to the ornate plaster ceiling. If only I could get my hands on another spirit... But even then, it's a matter of chance whether or not they're able to heal.

Among the spirits, there existed four specialised classes. Offensive spirits were rare and the most powerful kind, their bodies prepared with high prowess in combat and sheer might. This was the class Isabella's spirit was supposed to be in the original novel.

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