67 | White Aster

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   Warm and fragrant. As Irene laid back in her bathtub, the subtle scent of water lilies and lavender relaxed her nerves. Isabella gently leaned her arms against the edge of the free-standing tub, her fingers twirling around strands of wet, white hair as silky as satin.

It's so pale and shiny... Isabella thought, gazing at the threads of hair wistfully. Just like Rayvis's, but a little paler.

Those golden eyes were distracted, gaze lowered to the rippling water at her knees as soap bubbles glistened like gemstones. Noticing her perturbation, Isabella peered into her face.

"Are you alright, Rene?" Noticing her troubled expression, the brunette looked at her quizzically.

Irene blinked, realising she'd been lost in her thoughts for a moment. "Ah- I'm fine. I was just thinking about something."

Things really were taking an unpredictable turn, recently. Not only was her mother's life in danger, but Daniel was coming to train under the Cherliann duchy?

Did this mean he would be living here too? The palace was quite a distance from their estate, and travelling there every day would likely become inconvenient. Not to mention, Irene had wished to avoid interacting with him as much as she could. After all, he was the male lead of her story.

It wasn't that she was afraid of him killing her. In fact, the princess was rather confident this wouldn't happen, with the way things had drastically changed.

What Irene feared, was falling in love with him. As embarrassing as that was to admit.

I need to make sure he and Isabella get together. She firmly told this to herself, brows knitting together with resolve. She's the best person to take on the role of empress!

"Isabella, did you and Dan- I mean, the First Prince end up talking at all today?" Irene's sudden question took her friend off-guard, as she stared at her with confused chocolate-coloured eyes.

"Well... Not much? Why do you ask?" She tilted her head, noticing the fervency in Irene's golden orbs.

The white-haired girl stared at her vacantly for a moment. "Then, don't you think he's handsome?"

"Eh?" Isabella was genuinely confused. Though Irene was the direct type, she never talked about boys like this before. For a moment, the brunette was bewildered. But when she saw the passion glimmering in those fiery eyes, the realisation dawned upon her.

Isabella stifled a gasp. Could it be that...

Irene is interested in him?!

Isabella's cheeks flushed a bright red, her eyes wide. This was a moment she had been waiting for, for a long time. To think that Irene - the Angel of Cherliann who was loved by all that met her - was interested in a young man. And the first prince, at that! At last, they could take a step forward in their friendship.

The step in which they would remain helping each other with the men they liked!

Isabella's eyes were practically a galaxy of stars when they sparkled at the mere thought. Observing this reaction, Irene could feel her heart race.

She started blushing and became all starry-eyed the moment I asked her that...

A smile tugged at her lips. A success. The female lead was interested in the male lead. That reaction of hers to Irene's question alone, was more than enough proof.

With a beaming smile, Irene gripped Isabella's hand at the edge of the bathtub, gently laying a soapy palm over her friend's. "Isabella. I have your back!"

The Author's Willजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें