28 | Summer Flowers

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   Cold, dark, and isolated. In this empty little room - with only a small bed and single closet, a little boy lay on his back, gazing up at a blank ceiling with a feeling of numbness running through him. His body was littered with bruises and bandages, and he was dressed poorly in only a baggy white shirt and dark pants - yet he felt nothing.

Except for a desperate hunger that churned in his little white stomach. The thin boy, who's pallid features appeared silver under the moonlight filtering in through the vaulted window, shifted to his side slowly as he clutched his growling stomach. Strands of unkempt creamy-blonde hair fell over his face, as he screwed his eyes shut and pursed his lips.

Stop it... He thought to himself, attempting to sleep as he placed a small hand on his empty stomach. You won't be getting any bread till dinner tomorrow, so just wait a little longer...

Just then, the creaking sound of his room's door opening resounded through the air, and the little boy lifted his head, to see a familiar figure sneaking in.

"Mikael, I'm back," the youthful voice spoke, slowly and silently shutting the door behind him. "How are you feeling?"

In his hand, he carried a bright, incandescent lantern, along with a small paper bag that emitted a sweet smell.

The injured boy sat upright, a smile finally forming upon his face as the sole person he liked in this world, stepped into the light. A warm smile and slender figure, those deep, blue eyes that were the same colour as his own, but slightly lighter. And the mid-length raven hair that peaked out of a black cap, curling around his slender neck.

"Daniel..." The blonde boy, Mikael smiled, as his brother set the lantern on top of the closet. Its light radiated through the box-like room, dyeing the room in gold. "You went out?"

Daniel then handed Mikael the paper bag which was in his arms, to which the latter blinked. "What's this?"

"Meat skewers, from the festival," Daniel whispered. "They're all yours. Eat till you're full."

Mikael nodded, his mouth watering as he pulled out one of the kebabs and began to eat. As the taste of steak, coated with savoury sauces and hints of spice melted on his tongue, his ocean-blue eyes lit up in amazement.

"It's good!" He exclaimed, before scarfing down the rest. His pale cheeks became plump, like a chipmunk with how much food he put in. "Aren't you going to have any?"

"You know I don't do well with spicy foods. Also don't choke yourself." Daniel laughed, watching as the boy greedily stuffed his mouth. But it made him relieved to see Mikael eating something so well, instead of withering away in starvation, with nothing but a stale bread as always.

"If it weren't for that girl's help, he would've still been hungry..." Daniel whispered to himself, but his words didn't escape his brother's sharp hearing.

"Hm? What girl?" Mikael asked, swallowing down his food. Daniel sighed softly, taking off his cap before pulling out the coin with the rose engraved onto it from his pocket. He handed it to the blonde-haired boy beside him.

"Well... When I went to get you those skewers, I realised I didn't have enough money," he began to explain, recalling his encounter with the mysterious hooded girl. "A girl who seemed to be hiding her identity gave me a handful of coins, and told me to buy them."

Mikael took the coin, examining it in the dimly lit room. As he continued to munch on the meat, he noticed the rose design imprinted onto the silver penny. "Isn't this..."

"Yeah, it's one of the two Lovers' Rose coins. The girl gave it to me, knowing just how valuable it was..." Daniel smiled, gazing at the floor as he recalled her benevolent smile. "I didn't think kind people like that still existed."

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