Chapter 15

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Lu's P.O.V:

The world was foggy around me as I gained consciousness. The first thing I managed to make sense of was a wing over my side.

"What.... where...." I mumbled, confused at the monochromatic surroundings when my eyes cracked open. All I could see was blurry brown.

The wing over me shifted, and a voice I recognized well spoke up, "Lu! You're awake, how are you feeling?"

I blinked twice, the interior of a viking structure coming into focus around me. Yep, I was awake.

"Why are we in a- Dancer, where are we?" I asked, jumping to my feet, ignoring the wave of dizziness it sent to my head.

"Calm down, Lu," Dancer chided, rubbing the side of her head against mine. "I don't like being here, either, but Toothless is standing guard, and only the healer viking lady is allowed to come inside."

Slowly, I nodded, my mind clearing to match my vision. "What happened?" I queried.

"You were hit by a dragon root arrow, trappers use them to incapacitate dragons. Night furies react differently to it, though, and I guess light furies do, too. You were out for a day."

"Oh, okay, that's.... longer than I though," I hummed. Suddenly, a thought hit me. I spun to face away from the doorway I was looking out of, and to gaze at Dancer. "Wait, I was what?! Oh my gosh, Luca isn't going to be happy....."

Dancer stepped back, frowning. "Lu? Who's 'Luca'?"

I gasped, realizing what idea she had, "No! Um, I wanted to introduce you to her, she's a friend I freed from the vikings who shot me." I knew it would be best to say it as soon as possible, so I continued, "Apparently, the reason they were dealing with Grimmel was that they wanted to breed us, but.... no, that's nasty, I love you."

By the time I finished my panicked little rant, Dancer was smiling, which caught me off-guard.

Laughing a little, she spoke, "Okay, Lu. I believe you, where is she?"

"Umm, well-"

An explosion sounded outside.

"Probably there?" I finished.

Without any more words exchanged, we took off in the direction of the noise.


Dancer's P.O.V.:

We raced to the town, straight to the center of the commotion. Though I - and Lu, more than me - was weary around vikings, there were few enough to not bother either of us.

'Yeah, they're definitely running from.....,' I thought, looking up, 'that.'

Before us, blasting houses and other structures to bits, was a light fury.

"That's my friend, Luca. She's cool once you get to know her," said Lu, sheepishly, before taking off and flying up.

A couple moments later, they flew down to me.

"Uh, Dancer, this is my friend, Luca. Luca, this is my mate, Dancer," Lu introduced us.

Luca smiled sheepishly, "Uh, sorry about the.... town, I guess. I kinda' panicked."

I shrugged, smiling passively, "It's fine, the Vikings will probably rebuild them. I don't really care, anyways, it's nice to meet you!"

"Yeah, nice to meet you, t-- ohmygoshbye." I had about an eighth of a second to see something off about her face before she was gone.

I whipped around, going defensive at whatever had scared her away, only to see Toothless behind me - without his rider. Realization dawned across my face, and I smirked.

As Lu explained to my brother what had happened, I chuckled darkly. I had something to do, and I had two targets.

It's time to start building the ship......

"What are you doing, Dancer?" asked Toothless, looking at me, confused and slightly scared.

I beamed at him, "You'll see soon enough."

A/N: Aaaaaand that's where I'm ending the book!! Yaayy!

Tbh, I probably could have drug it out a bit longer, but I'm definitely done with this...... I hope you all enjoyed reading this, and thank you for all the support! Maybe I'll see you in whichever book I publish next (as of 8/7/21, there is a poll in "Holy Randomess!!" where you fan have a part in deciding what kind of story it is).


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