Chapter Ten

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Toothless's P.O.V:

I sat outside Hiccup's home, still shocked. I couldn't believe how fast Dancer was, I could barely see her! She was a least twice as fast as me, and I was really fast!

I looked through a window to Hiccup(A/N: 🎶Be~cause I'm tap- tap- tappin' on the glaaaas, I'm wa~vin' through a wiiiiin~dow,
I try to speak, but no~bo~dy can hear, so I just- wait aro~und for an an~swer to appe~ar, 'cause I'm tap- tap- tappin' on the glaaaas, I'm wa~vin' through a wiiiiin~dow, oooooh- oh- oh- oh🎶 You gotta love that "Owl City" song.), who was scrawling something on a paper. I wished that he could have understood me, that way, I could have asked him what his estimate for Dancer's speed was. Sadly, I could not.

In the meantime, I decided to prance around on the front lawn. Hiccup had finally let me off my short leash, so I, once more, had free reign to go where I pleased.

Walking down the main pathway in town, I passed many people. There was great variety between the Vikings of Berk, and no two - except the Thorstonton twins, of course - looked alike.  You could always count on meeting a new viking or dragon in town.

Passing a flock of terrible terrors, a familiar face caught my attention.

"Hey, Showman!" I called, "How're you and Dancer doing?"

Showman stopped talking to the others and flew over to me, landing on the ground. "We're fine. Dancer's been in the forest for the last couple of days, but I've been socializing with the other dragons here on Berk."

I snorted; "Doesn't she get bored?"

"No, not really," he replied nonchalantly. "She flies around a lot and practices her aerial and grounded acrobatics, which keeps her busy enough."

"She's still practicing her tumbling?" I asked, pausing to recall all the times where I'd had to help her with bruises and cuts from falling on the ground. "I would have thought that she'd have given up on that years ago."

Showman raised an eyebrow skeptically. "You really don't know Dancer, then. She may be polite and a little shy, but she never backs down from a fight unless it's painfully obvious that she'll die or get seriously hurt and never gives up on something that she's put her mind to."

I looked down a little in embarrassment, as an older brother, it was my job to know all about my little sister. "Do you think she'd mind if I visited her?" I asked, curious. "I'd like to see how good she's gotten."

"Oh, she'd be fine with that." Then, he added "I can take you to her!"

With those words, he took off through the crowd, and I ran after him. Luckily, he often turned to see where I was and let me catch up. It wasn't very easy to run through crowds of vikings when you were a dragon.


Dancer's P.O.V:

I lifted another paw off the ground, completing my one-pawed handstand. My muscles started to strain, and I felt I would soon loose balance soon, so I twisted and rolled onto the ground.

Having decided to stay on or near Berk for a while, as my brother lived there, I had lots of free time on my hands. Most of that time was spent flying, but I had gotten a lot of gymnastics practice in, too.

Preparing to do my backflip-thing, I tensed my muscles. Suddenly, a twig snapped somewhere near me, and I accelerated into the flip faster than anticipated.

Because my trajectory was off, as I arched through the air, I twisted my spine and angled my wings and tail just right, and landed the farthest possible from the noise.

Landing in a defensive posture, I growled, a plasma blast lighting up my mouth as a threat to whoever was in the woods.

"Dancer!" a familiar terror chirped, coming cheerily over. I immediately relaxed. "I brought the potatey!"

My eyes found the dragon who Showman had referred to, and I chuckled a little bit at the nickname that was used.

"Wow, Dancer!" Toothless said, trotting over. "You're, like, amazing at that!!"

"Meh, not really," I shrugged as he hopped around a little.

He stopped moving, and just stared straight into my eyes. "Meh?" he asked. "Meh? MEH?!!"

I looked at him concerned, as he chuckled. "You alright, bro?" I asked.

He stopped acting crazy for a moment. "Yeah. If that's 'meh,' Dancer, then I have a very severe case of underachievement."

I was confused at what he had said, but decided to ignore the last part. "So, what do you need?"

He pouted. "Can't I visit my little sister for no reason at all?"

My eyebrow did the dragon-equivalent of being raised.

He started again, "Well, I honestly did come here just to talk to you, but, now that I think of it, I should probably warn you. The vikings have been figuring out ways to capture and train you, just be on the look-out for traps."

"Oh, thanks for the heads-up. That's some pretty useful information, there," I said, genuinely grateful. "I don't want to end up in some entertainment fighting ring."

Toothless looked taken aback. "They would never do that!!"

I hummed, stretching like a cat, "If you say so. You wanna go for a fl- erm.... walk with me?"

He beamed, "Sure! I can show you my favorite spots!"

We set off out of the forest clearing, and Showman.... well, he went off to do something.


I laughed at my brother's actions, chortling at him trying to open a clam shell like I had.

"That's not how you do it," I laughed. "Here."

I grabbed the joint side of the clam in my teeth, and carefully brought it around to Toothless's tail. With little difficulty - it was much harder to do to myself - I weged one of his back spikes between the two halves of the clam's shell. "Now, split your spikes."

He did so, and, to his surprise, the clam broke open, falling to the sandy beach ground below. "I did it! Yes!!" he cheered to himself.

Chuckling again at how childish he sounded, I spoke again. "The hardest part is learning to get the clams on your tail or back. It's pretty simple, though, once you've gotten that down. Just don't try and open a clam with your face near to it, sometimes, they shoot off, and it really hurts when you get hit by one - belive me, I know from experience."

"It's so cool that you figured that out, Da-"

I cut him off, flipping around, my ear flaps erect and a growl emanating from my throat.

The guilty, exposed viking fumbled around for a moment, stumbling over his words. "Toothless!" he managed to get out.

"Sorry, I should go. See you tomorrow?" my brother asked, turning to me.

Before taking off and flying through a plasma blast, I answered, looking around shiftily, "Tomorrow, Toothy-bro."

I didn't miss the sadness in his gaze as I flew off, and I also noticed the gears turning behind the viking's.

A/N: This is mainly a filler.... I don't remember what I had planned, but this happened when I went back after doing half of it, so.....

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! I have so much planned.....

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