Chapter Eight

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Dancer's P.O.V:

I flew through the air, performing loops and tricks in the clouds.

I had it all wrong. A weight was lifted off of my shoulders, and I felt like bubbles of truth were lifting me up into the atmosphere.

Showman had been smart enough to get off of me when I had started my joyous aerial maneuvers, and was flying -in a boring, straight line, of course- along my general course of motion.

We were headed back to Berk after a night of sleeping on one of the surrounding islands, and I was crazily excited. My emotions had sorted themselves out, and my brother was on my mind! I wanted to catch up.

We soared nearer to Berk, and I hid in a cloud for a moment.

"Showman, would you make sure that Toothless is at his viking's house, then come back and bring me to him?"

"Sure," he said, a little out of breath from the flight.

"Thanks," I smiled.

He paused for a moment. "....I'm glad that you're smiling more, I know that most of your old ones were fake."

That was a surprise to me, and my senses were temporarily shocked out of me. When I could get my mouth to work again, Showman was already flying away.

I huffed, I had a great poker face(A/N: Any idea what a httyd dragon alternative of that term would be?).


In about a ten minutes, I caught sight of Showman flying back from Berk.

"Is he there?!" I asked as soon as he was within hearing range.

"Yep!" Showman called back, "I'll show you where his house is!"

I glided over to Showman, who promptly landed on my back.

"That house," he said, once we could see the individual huts.

I flew through a plasma blast, then picked up speed and dropped to the ground outside of the house.

"TOOTHLESS!" I roared. My invisibility had about ten seconds left, and I didn't want to be alone in the middle of a viking settlement.

Two seconds later, the door was broken down, and Toothless charged out of it.

"Dancer?!" he asked, looking around. "Huh?!!" My invisibility wore off, and he jumped.

I saw the stunned look in his eyes, and explained, "White furies, mainly light furies, can fly through plasma blasts and heat their scales to be reflective, effectively turning them invisible for short periods of time. Some black furies can, or, at least, probably can, too."

He nodded.

"What happened?!" a viking asked, coming out of the wrecked front doorway. He stopped when he saw me, stunned.

My eyes went slitted, and I backed up until I was ten feet from him. Six feet was my limit (A/N: ;)) for vikings, even the supposedly-friendly ones, but I preferred further. I took on a defensive stance.

Toothless walked closer to me, which helped ease my nerves. "It's okay, that's Hiccup, my rider. He'd never hurt a dragon," Toothless said.

Showman flew off of my shoulder, startling me. "Showman, get back here!" I yelled.

Showman snorted, "Don't worry, he probably wouldn't be able to catch me if he tried." He may have been slower and less agile than me, but he was still more so than your average terrible terror. At the very least, Showman'd be able to fly out of the viking's reach if he were to be put in danger.

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