Chapter Two

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Hiccup's P.O.V:

I turned Toothless around a sea stack, whooping as the air rushed past us. What a feeling!

"Come on, bud!" I yelled over the wind, patting my best friend's head.

"Barrel roll," I said, switching gears on his tail. We dove down, and Toothless's tongue lolled out in excitement. In just a moment, we were hurtling towards the ocean far below.

At the last moment, I switched the gears again, pulling up just before we hit the water.

"Oooooooh, baby!" I whooped. "That went better than I had thought it would have, the new tailfin works great."

Toothless looked back at me with his signature, gummy smile, and, soon, we were up in the clouds again.


After an hour or so of gliding around, I caught a glimpse of Berk through the clouds. We had wandered back by accident.

"Oof. Well, come on, Toothless, time for chief duties," I said, putting inflection on "chief." I really was not happy about having to do them, but, with my dad.... gone.... "We've already been out for longer than we should have been, Astrid's going to kill me."

Toothless grumbled, as if agreeing. I turned him, and, soon, very sadly, we were right above Berk.

I switched Toothless into the correct gear for a dive, and we went down.

When the time came to pull up, I di-

'Oh, no!' I though, 'Come on, come on!'

The tail was stuck! We were going to hit the ground, and soon!

"Tooothleeeesss!" I screamed, but there was nothing he could have done. We hit the ground, hard.

Toothless wrapped his wings around me, which absorbed most of the impact, but he landed nastily. His head was the first thing to hit the ground.

I coughed as the dust settled around me, muttering a "I knew that I should have oiled the gears again before we left," under my breath.

"Hiccup!" I heard someone say. "Are you alright?!" It was astrid.

"I am," I said, worriedly, as I stood up from the ground. "But I'm not sure about....," I looked to my dragon. "Toothless!"

He was out cold.


Toothless's P.O.V:

I woke up to a pain in my head. I could smell fish.

I opened my eyes, looking around to find myself in Hiccup's room. What I was sleeping on was direly cold, it could have used a good torching.

"Bud!" my best friend said, hopping off of his bed and coming over to pet me. "Are you alright? I'm so sorry, I should have been more careful and checked to make sure that the gears were properly oiled before we left."

"It's fine, I'm glad you're safe," I grumbled. I knew that he couldn't understand what I was saying, no vikings could hear dragons, but that didn't change much. He always seemed to know what I meant, regardless. "I'd do anything for you, you're my only family."

No, he wasn't. No!

All the memories rushed into my skull, and I sat there, dumbfounded. I remembered! I remembered before the Red Death! I had a life, a name, a family! I was so excited!

.....a family. I left her. I left my little sister! My elation turned to misery. It had been years. I didn't know the exact number, my sense of time under the Red Death's influence was muddled, but it was a very, very long time, considering how small I was back then.

My head thudded on the floor. How could I have forgotten my sister, I loved her so much!

'I'm so sorry, Dancer,' I thought to myself.

'I miss you....'

A/N: What do you think? Did I get their personalities okay? This chapter's a little short, sadly. Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!

Ugh, school in seven minutes.... ;-;

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