Chapter Nine

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Toothless's P.O.V:

I grumbled, looking out the window and at the sunrise. Two days couldn't go fast enough.

My habits were back to normal, I, of course, couldn't be weak around Dancer, I had to always protect her, but the days just seemed to drag on.

I looked to my tail fin, which was equipped. Maybe, if I could get out, I'd see Dancer. The chances were greater than if I stayed inside.

With that thought in mind, I jumped up, and went to go wake Hiccup up in an entertaining way.


Hiccup's P.O.V:

I awoke with a start, falling out of bed as Toothless's roar reverberated through the house.

My feet moved down the stairs too fast for the other half of me, and, still half-asleep, I stopped in the main room. "Toothless! What's wrong?" I gasped.

Toothless smiled gummily, jumping up and down a little. He flapped his wings, walking to the door and back to me.

"What?" I asked, unable to comprehend his actions. The next moment, Toothless brought his tail forward and knocked me onto his back, huffing. "Hey!"

Hopping off, I looked at my bud. I sighed, "I'll get the saddle."

~~}(Wow, that was a short P.O.V.){~~

Dancer's P.O.V:

I awoke to a ray of early-morning sunshine dancing across my eyes. Huh, no pun intended..... Blinking, I yawned, muscles tensing and relaxing.

Sitting up, a smile lit my face. It was a beautiful morning, the birds were singing, the sun was glowing, the wind was rushing, and the terrors(luckily, that included Showman) were asleep. It was a perfect moment for a fly.

I stretched my wings, enjoying the sunlight as it melted the last traces of sleep from my body. My eyes found Showman in a nearby tree. He usually wouldn't wake up until around noon, so I could leave for a while without worrying about him running off to the Viking village.

My wings fluttered up and down, and I went aerial. Two big flaps, and I was above most of the smaller trees.

I soared though the open air, high above the tallest point on Berk. The sleepy town was waking up, but, as expected from vikings, the process was very slow. The main focus of my eyes, though, were not the people below; it was the sun beyond.

Having just risen, it was a magnificent golden-yellow. There was not a cloud in sight, and, other than the island and a few sea stacks below, there was just blue, blue, and more blue.

I took a deep breath in, it was an absolutely glorious morning. For the first time in ages, my mind was clear and unburdened. I could smile honestly, for once.

My eyes were drawn by motion to the horizon, I squinted. What was that?

A tiny.... two tiny.....

A few dragons were flying along in the distance. Even my keen eyesight, from as far away as I was, could not make out many details.

Feeling adventurous, I pumped my wings harder, accelerating from a leisurely pace to breakneck speed. To achieve my maximum, I flew high up, and went at a slight downward slope.

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