Chapter 20: Responsibility

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Deku wasn't coming back.

That was what their shitty-ass villain of a teacher had announced at the beginning of homeroom. He said that Deku had decided to transfer schools, and Katsuki could only hope that was really what happened instead of it being a cover story for if Izuku had really...

Katsuki shook his head and forced himself to keep walking toward the community center. If Deku had killed himself, his old hag would have told him. Her and Auntie Inko had always been close, so if Deku was dead, he'd be one of the first to know. He had to be alive. Katuski didn't know what he'd do if that damn nerd had really followed his messed up advice.

The rehabilitation group met in one of the larger rooms of the community center. Amplifier was already setting up chairs in a big circle when he arrived. She looked up when she heard the door open and smiled as brightly as Deku did. Katskuki scowled, the last thing he needed today was more reminders of the damn nerd.

"Hey Bakugo!" She yelled cheerfully. "Right on time. Can you finish setting up these chairs while I grab some water?"

Katsuki didn't bother responding, figuring that the way he moved to grab a few of the chairs stacked against the wall was answer enough. Amplifier seemed to agree, given that she immediately left the room and let him do his thing. He didn't know exactly how many chairs to set up, but the group couldn't be that big, so after there were about twenty chairs out, he leaned against the wall and crossed his arms to wait.

Amplifier came back a few minutes later carrying a large water jug that she set on the table next to him, "Alright, that's about it. Pretty low maintenance set up, don't you think?"

Katuski didn't really know what to say to that, so he just nodded. The villain extras were starting to filter in, so Amplifier left to go chat with them while Katsuki pretended to stare at the floor, even though he was really just observing the people he'd supposedly volunteered to help or something like that. He had a feeling Amplifier knew what he was doing, but he didn't really care what that bitch thought.

The people coming into the room didn't match what Katuski had always been taught about villains, so that was just one more way his teachers had failed at their jobs, he guessed. Aside from the little tracking bracelets around their ankles, the villains looked relatively normal, nothing like the incarnations of evil that the news made them out to be. But maybe it was just because these were nobodies, not ranked villains. Or maybe they were just good at hiding who they really were, who knew?

One of them, some guy with weird little tentacles instead of hair, caught his eye and smiled at him, but Katsuki simply scowled and turned away. He wasn't here to make friends with this scum, he was here to learn how not to be so scummy himself. Besides, villains weren't good people. They couldn't be nice.


It only took a few minutes before everyone was there and most of the seats were filled. Amplifier smiled and skipped to the front of the room, "Hello everyone, welcome back!"

"Who's the kid?" Some big guy with horns and green skin said gruffly.

Amplifier grinned, "Oh, this is Bakugo! He's gonna be helping me out for the next little while."

There was a round of nods and welcomes from the villains, which Katsuki mostly ignored.

"Why'd you decide to volunteer to help a bunch of villains?" A weird girl with pigtails asked loudly.

Katsuki made a face that would normally send Deku running as he stared her down, "None of your fucking business!"

There was a long moment of silence before the group erupted into laughter. The weird girl grinned, "Oh, I like him!"

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