Chapter 96: Blank

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Katsuki really hated hospitals. It was understandable! Everyone hated hospitals! The only problem was that Recovery Girl had figured that out and that old hag had gotten together with his old hag and decided that he needed an extra day of boredom to make sure the healing sticks. Bullshit. They just wanted to punish him so he wouldn't get hurt as bad next time. It was working, but still.

To make things even worse, because Katsuki would never admit that it was better, the old hag had somehow gotten into his phone and gone through his contacts to invite his classmates to visit him. It was embarrassing. And loud considering that the entire extrovert crew had shown up. So now he was stuck with Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and even Kaminari, who had gotten released yesterday, crowded around the foot of his bed talking over one another as they tried to make him feel better or something. It was annoying and sweet at the same time.

Shinso had gotten the invite too, but he didn't know anyone else, so he'd retreated into the corner. Katsuki had been half-concerned about him feeling left out until he'd caught Shinso smirking at his predicament with absolutely zero sympathy. He should try being trapped by a bunch of high energy dimwits and see how well he liked it, the asshole.

"I'm surprised the doctors haven't thrown you extras out yet." Katsuki griped. "Aren't hospitals supposed to be about recovery and rest ?"

"You can't recover on your own, Bakubro!" Kirishima pouted. "You gotta have friends so you don't get too lonely!"

"Oh, yeah! That reminds me!" Mina's grin couldn't spell out anything good as she turned to them. "I wanted to introduce you guys to my uncle...ish! He's here in the hospital too, so we can all go visit him!"

Oh no, she was totally talking about Ogawa, wasn't she?

"What the...? Pinky!" Katsuki scowled. "It's bad enough that I have to deal with all of you! What makes you think he wants to?"

"Oh, you know you love us." Mina stuck out her tongue. "I asked him yesterday and he said he was totally down to meet everyone!"

Katsuki groaned. He'd already lost this fight, hadn't he? He couldn't just roll over though, so he had to at least try to fight back, "Isn't there the whole privacy issue and all that?"

Mina shrugged, "We're all here students. Well, except for Mr. Gucci Eyebags over thre, but he seems cool enough and he wouldn't be here if you didn't trust him, so it's probably fine. Come on, let's go!"

She started toward the door and the rest of them had no choice but to follow along like lost little ducklings. Katsuki groaned as he heaved himself from the bed. There was still a little twinge of pain in his legs, but Recovery Girl had done her magic well an he didn't have to use a stupid wheelchair this time, which would have been even worse. He could only imagine the chaos that would be happening right now if he had to trust these morons to wheel him around, and that chaos involved a substantial amount of running into walls. Yeah, walking was definitely the safer option.

"Wait!" Kaminari stumbled slightly as he jogged to catch up with Mina. "Where are we going?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "To visit a friend of mine that got possessed by her aunt."

The others stopped walking and there was a moment of shocked silence before Shinso let out a low whistle, "Wow, Bakugo. No wonder everyone thinks you're a cryptid."

Katsuki glared at him, "You know you don't actually have to tag along, right? It's not like Racoon Eyes is scary enough to force you."

"Oh no," Shinso grinned, "this is way too entertaining to pass up. I'm coming."

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