Chapter 120: Whatever it Takes

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"Why is that called the hell test?" Izuku asked as he put down the pencil. "Or was that the warm up?"

Nedzu smiled, "Oh, this is going to be the most fun I've had in years!"

Izuku looked around the office, "Um, was there any other paperwork we needed to do, or...?"

"Nope!" Nedzu chirped. "You are officially a student of UA high school and all that's left is to give you your uniform!"

Izuku blinked, "Oh. I...I didn't realize I got a uniform."

Nedzu smiled a little wider, "Of course you get a uniform, Viridian! You are a hero student, after all! And don't worry, our support department is already working on an updated version of your vigilante gear so that you're not fighting villains with just a hoodie and some things anyone could pick up at a hardware store. Also, our marketing department is going crazy with glee designing a suitable merchandise line. In fact, they already have preorders! You are quite a memorable hero, young Midoriya."

Izuku blushed, "Uh, thanks? I don't really think..."

"So!" Nedzu didn't let him finish his self-deprecating thought. "The plan was to have you arrive near the end of homeroom so that Aizawa could introduce you, but you finished my test faster than even I expected, which is excellent and leaves you a bit of time to explore if you so choose."

"Um..ok?" Izuku gestured to his ankle monitor. "This won't start freaking out, will it?"

"Oh you'll be fine." Nedzu waved his hand dismissively. "Now go get dressed, I want to show you the tunnels."

Izuku had been mildly concerned about getting dust on his brand new uniform, but Nedzu apparently kept the tunnels fairly clean. Plus, even if he did get some dust on it, it couldn't possibly look worse than whatever he'd done to his tie, so he wasn't too worried. So far, he'd found his way to the cafeteria, then a huge concrete training room that probably had something to do with Cementoss's quirk, and finally what he assumed was class 1B, since he recognized some of the students from what little he'd actually watched of the sports festival, but Eraserhead wasn't the one teaching. From the map he'd hacked into before Eraserhead had realized what he was doing and confiscated his laptop, both hero classes were near each other, so he should be getting close.

Izuku just kept wandering, occasionally looking through the vent-shaped openings that let him see out into the rest of the school until he heard Eraser's voice. It didn't take long after that to find the right classroom and peek inside to see Denki spacing out during whatever Eraser was trying to teach. Izuku giggled silently to himself and worked on finding the best way to get into the classroom. Sure, he could probably just exit out into the hall and enter through the door, but that would add an unnecessary step and besides, where was the fun in that? Plus, this way, he could figure out where his classmates were in terms of observational skills and situational awareness, so that he would know where they needed help! If they let him help them, that is.

There was a place near the back of the class where one of the squares of the drop ceiling was able to be removed and Izuku silently pulled it to the side and dropped onto a short bookshelf in the back of the room. Eraserhead sent him a tired glare, but Izuku just grinned, so he rolled his eyes and continued with his lecture without missing a beat. Shinso saw the look on Eraser's face and followed his eyes to the back of the class, doing a double take when he saw Izuku, but he and two students who both seemed to have quirks that affected their hearing were the only ones who had seen him drop in. Izuku smiled mischievously and held a finger to his mouth. The girl with long earlobes glanced toward Eraser before shrugging, probably figuring that if their teacher wasn't doing anything about the intruder, she didn't have to worry about him either. It only took Shinso and the other guy a minute to come to the same conclusion and Izuku almost laughed as he turned to return the ceiling tile to its proper place, but laughing would have given him away, so he stayed silent and just sat cross legged on top of the bookshelf and waited for the other students to realize he was there.

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