Chapter 99: Brainwash

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Katsuki didn't know how Izuku could still say he wasn't cut out to be a hero, considering that here they were in what basically amounted to a life or death situation and the dumbass was excited . He seemed conflicted over that fact, but Katsuki couldn't even be angry about it, because he knew how the nerd got about quirks. Even when they were in preschool and still almost friends, everytime Izuku saw a new quirk, it was like he'd been let loose in the candy store, and he wouldn't stop buzzing until he'd learned everything he could and figured out how it worked. It used to annoy him to no end, but now he knew better.

That excitement saved lives.

"So, how do we do this?" Katsuki asked. "Do we just have Shinso order him to snap out of it or something?"

"That's a good start." Izuku hummed. "But I doubt it'll be that simple. How in depth is your connection, Shinso? Like, can you feel the influence of the other brainwashers?"

"I think you're forgetting that this is completely uncharted territory for me." Shinso responded. "I wouldn't even know where to begin. It's not like brainwashing is a team sport or anything."

"Oh, that makes sense." Izuku nodded. "But Kacchan makes a good point. Let's start by ordering him to break out of the villain factory's control. Can you do that, Shinso?"

"Sure." Eyebags shrugged. "Break out of any brainwashing except for mine."

The room was suddenly filled with beeping and alarms as the machines monitoring Ogawa's vitals and brain activity went crazy and Katsuki felt his stomach drop, "Stop! Make him stop!"

Shinso's eyes widened and he almost tripped over his words as he hurried to reverse the order, "S-Nevermind, stop. Ignore the last order!"

The room went quiet again as the readings went back to normal and Izuku let out a slow breath, "Ok, well that's not gonna work."

"Obviously, dumbass." Katsuki complained. "I'd prefer if you could find a way to break the brainwashing without killing him, thanks."

"It's difficult when that might be a failsafe..." Izuku muttered. "I wonder if...but maybe...? Does it work like that?"

"Just spit it out dumbass!" Katsuki snapped, wincing when Izuku flinched. "Ugh, sorry, I mean..."

"Don't apologize! You're anxious, it's fine!" Izuku assured frantically. "I was just thinking that if we knew what orders he was given, Shinso might be able to give an order directly opposing it so the two would cancel eachother out.!"

"I can't order him to respond verbally." Shinso reminded him. "I can really only control actions. So unless you have some other way of figuring it out..."

"Well, then, just, like, order him not to kill himself!" Katsuki tugged at his hair. "That's the major problem right now, isn't it?"

Izuku frowned, "It's the most urgent, but not the root, so while we can start there, it's not really a good idea to leave it at that..."

Suddenly, Shinso hissed and grabbed at his head, collapsing to his knees. Katsuki and Izuku were at his side within a moment, but he didn't even seem to be aware of them as he breathed through whatever the fuck had just happened. Katsuki growled in frustration. He didn't know when the doctor had left, just that he was probably off getting more help, but there had to be a call button or something! It was bad enough that he was inches away from losing one friend, he couldn't stand the thought of losing Shinso too.

"Shinso?" Izuku rubbed his back. "Are you ok? Did the vestiges start fighting back again?"

"Not...them." Shinso grit out. "I think I know what another brainwasher feels like now, fuck!"

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