Chapter 100: Identity

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"So I hear you've been annoying Eraserhead lately. Well, more so than usual." Dabi took a sip of his drink. "He really gave you detention?"

Katsuki shrugged, "I needed to cross it off my bucket list eventually. I mean, I would have lived in detention in middle school ifthose poor excuses for teachers actually did their fucking jobs."

"Hmm." Dabi gave a small smile. "So what did you do this time?"

"I broke into a hospital and might have helped a vigilante escape." Katsuki answered. "So you know, a normal tuesday."

Dabi whistled, "Yeah, that would do it. I'm guessing he still hasn't forgiven you?"

"Nah, but he's got the sports festival to worry about, so he hasn't had time to do much more than brood about it." Katsuki said. "I'm still deciding whether I want to win or not."

"Careful, Kacchan." Dabi warned. "That ego might come back to bite you."

"Fine, whether I want to try to win." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I'm going to be an underground hero, so it might be best to keep to the shadows and let the spotlight heroes steal the show."

"Hmm, that makes sense." Dabi said. "You could always take a sidekick role. Pick one of the popular kids and stick with them through the whole thing. The people who know what they're looking for'll see your talent, everybody else'll dismiss you as a non-entity. You get to show off and keep your cryptid status at the same time."

"Hmm. I guess it's true that nobody pays attention to the sidekick, isn't it?" " Katsuki tapped his fingers against the bar, "what about your plans for the sports festival, huh? You planning on coming to support your baby brother?"

Dabi had made the mistake of taking a drink right at that moment and Katsuki smirked as he choked and spat it all over himself. Even Dabi grabbing him by the collar and dragging him out into the alley couldn't completely wipe the smile off his face.

Dabi snarled and slammed him against the wall, "How the hell do you know that?"

"I think you're forgetting that I'm an informant, Dabi. It wasn't too hard to connect the dots." Katsuki rolled his eyes and shoved dabi's hand away, "And if you're trying to intimidate me by making yourself run hotter like that, I should remind you that I have better natural fire resistance than you do, Touya."

"That won't matter at incineration temperatures." Dabi hissed. "Who have you told?"

"If I'd told anyone, dumass, Icyhot would have shown up on your doorstep weeks ago." Katsuki said. "And I don't really get why it's such a big secret. It's not like your old man is gonna come back from the dead and make a stink about you faking your own death or anything. At least drop by and say hi to your siblings."

"Shut up." Dabi snarled. "You don't know anything."

Katsuki raised one eyebrow, "I know those three have spent the last ten years thinking they'd never see you again and from where I'm standing, that's kinda a dick move. I get keeping your distance while the old man was still alive, but you should have at least reached out after the funeral."

"You don't know what it was like." Dabi glared at him. "Endeavor made Shouto. He was the favorite. The rest of us were nothing to him but useless failures that were only good for getting in the way of his masterpiece."

Katsuki was quiet for a long moment, "That's not an excuse."

"Listen here, Kacchan..." Dabi growled.

"No. You listen." Katsuki interrupted sternly. "You don't think I know what it was like? I was the masterpiece. I've spent my entire life thinking I was better than everyone else just because I had a bomb quirk. Everybody else was just extras on my path to greatness and I treated them like shit, especially my best friend, but you know what? We started talking again and we're moving past it. Yeah, it definitely still sucks, but we've both changed since then, so do you really think we should miss out on that relationship just because of something that happened when we were kids? If I still want Izuku in my life, then I'm absolutely certain that Todoroki still wants you in his."

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