Chapter 89: Aggression

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Shouta was just finishing up his reports for the night and was looking forward to a few well-deserved hours of sleep when Bakugo slammed open the door to the police station. He didn't even say hello to Sansa at the desk before storming back to Tsukauki's station. Shouta heaved a heavy sigh and pushed the last of his paperwork away, "Katsuki Bakugo, it is literally the middle of the night. Is there any reason this couldn't wait until school tomorrow? And what happened to your face?"

"None of your business, hobo." Bakugo scoffed, "And maybe because by the time school starts it might be too late?"

"I don't know it's pretty late right now." Amplifier teased. "What are you doing out on a school night?"

"Got a lead." Bakugo grumbled. "I...fine, long story short Ogawa woke up, I went out to look into something he told me, and I got stopped by a villain who warned me not to go to school tomorrow. Do you idiots see why maybe I wouldn't want to just sit on that info?"

Tsukauchi stared at him, "He said what?"

"She, actually. Introduced herself as Himiko Toga." Bakugo rolled his eyes. "She's a creepy psychopath, but where the info came from isn't as important as what we're gonna do about it. From what Toga said, it's an organization and they've recruited a lot of people."

"Toga?" Shouta groaned. "Problem child, what is it with you and attracting serial killers?!"

"Maybe it's just my winning personality." Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Now, she wouldn't tell me exactly when or where, but I'm thinking the target's at least in the same neighborhood as UA, if not the school itself, and she said tomorrow, so..."

"So that at least gets us a window, which is better than nothing." Tsukauchi sighed. "Any idea why she volunteered the info?"

"It came up." Bakugo shrugged. "She sought me out and kept going on and on about how Stain thinks very highly of me and all that crap, then when she realized I didn't know about the attack..."

He mumbled something that Shouta couldn't quite make out, "What was that?"

"Ugh, she said something about how I was too cute to die without her watching or some shit!" Bakugo scowled, a slight blush on his face. "I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was creepy, alright?!"

"Aww!" Amplifier held her hands over her heart. "Our widdle hero gets shy when girls flirt with him!"

"Amplifier, do I need to remind you that Toga is known for killing most of her crushes?" Tsukauchi rubbed at the bridge of his nose. "But that checks out, actually. Warning you about an attack she wouldn't be a part of is exactly something she would do, which unfortunately means that this info is probably trustworthy. Wonderful."

"I already told you that." Bakugo crossed his arms. "Now what are we gonna do? Cancel school or something?"

"Only as a last resort." Shouta said. "I'll talk to Nedzu, but the PR nightmare canceling classes this late would cause means that we'll need to look at our options first."

"We'll start by talking to the commission and getting more heroes stationed in the area for the day." Tsukauchi said. "UA has the highest security around, so once all the students are inside the gates, they should be safe. The biggest issue will be before and after school, and maybe during lunches?"

"It's easier to make students stay on campus for lunch than it is to cancel class." Shouta said, grabbing his phone to call Nedzu. "Go get some sleep, Kacchan, the rest of us aren't going to be able to."

Amplifier stopped him before he could get too far, "Oh, and you said Ogawa woke up already? That's amazing!"

"Yeah." Bakugo huffed. "At least he told me who it was that he wanted to save. Some guy named Kumo. Used to have a cloud quirk or something like that, but Ogawa said those monsters put them both through the same thing, so that's probably not the case anymore. Whatever, see you tomorrow, losers."

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