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(A.N. this is going to be individual lives at the moment)

*12 Years After the Final Battle*


"I can't believe you are marrying her," Blaze said slumped in an armchair. "Isn't it...like weird?"

Theo adjusted his shirt as he took a large drink of his wine.

"Of course it is weird...but I can't go against the contract. Daphne already talked to me about it during...you know..."

"Still marrying her sister seems a lot...she looks like her."

"She does...but Astoria...is not her."

"It's not fair man," Blaze said taking a large drink of some muggle beer.

"You've been around Weasley too much if you're drinking that crap."

Blaze just shrugged.

"Theo...are you going to be alright?"

"Daphne is the love of my life...Astoria knows that. You act like Astoria and I haven't been dating for a while. We are learning to love each other...it won't be like me and Daphne...but we...I will be okay."

"Just remember...if you ever need anything we are all here."

Theo smiled, "I know."

~Sirius Black~

"Hey, Teddy do you think Uncle Harry is going to come by with presents?"

"Sirius please tell your godson to stop giving Teddy everything he wants he's becoming a little monster."

"Please Ted you know that I can't control that boy."

"Or just too lazy too."

"Stop being such a grandpa...grandpa!" Sirius smirked.

"Oh...so I suppose I'm allowed to move out and YOU do all the child care for Teddy..."

"No thanks."

"Sirius...I'm getting a lot older...I'm going to die soon I want to teach you everything before that time comes so my Grandson will have someone reliable to be there for him."

"I know Ted...Sorry..."


"Look at his Luna is going to have a child soon!" Ginny said holding up a letter.

"Good job Neville."

"You're crude Potter," Ginny turned her face away from him. 

"Considering everything I'm not that bad."

"That's it I'm limiting your time with the Slytherin boys."

"But what about boys night!"


"But HONEY!"


"So who has the kids this weekend? You or Lavender?" Molly questioned.

"The twins are going to be with Lav. this weekend since she has a trip with her husband next week."

"She got married quite quickly after dumping you...was it 3 months of dating," George said.

Ron rolled his eyes, "It's been years George we are on good terms now. You act like you thought our teenager first love would last?"

"Oh...I had no faith in that," Fred said.

"You two be nice to your brother," Molly said dropping food before them and leaving again.

"Anyway dear brother how's Blaze?"

"He's fine...why?"

"We just want to know what exactly is your relationship with him?"

Ron spat out his drink, "WHAT?!"

Fred smirked, "You two live together."

George joined in, "he helps you with your kids."

Fred smiled, "And you both haven't dated in years!"

George looked at Fred, "Convenient."

Ron frowned at them, "I hate you both...go back to your joke shop..."

~Draco and Hermione~

"Why are you so angry again...isn't this a good thing?" Draco said trying to calm Hermione.

"NO! It's too early...I only JUST became Mistress of Magic..."

"Four years ago," Draco said.

"We've been MARRIED less."

"Two years..."

"It's really bad timing!"

"Is it though..."

Hermione cast a deadly glare at him.

Draco sighed, "You're overthinking we are more than prepared now."


Draco hugged her, "I think I know what's going on... you scared because of both of our pasts."

Hermione didn't say anything.

"Listen...we are going to be great. We will make mistakes of course...but we will love our little child so much...we will be fine."

Hermione sighed and turned around and hugged him back, "I love you."

"And I love you."

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