Year 1 - The First Letter

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Warm air filled the summer day in this clean neighborhood. Everything seemed to be normal for the small eleven-year-old that sat in the living room in one of these houses. Hermione Granger sat with a book in her hands as she absorbed every word in the book.

She was not normal compared with others her age. She much preferred to be reading than going outside to "go on an adventure" most children on the block would call it. In reality, they would just go to the park and hang out. No, she preferred reading than dealing with those people, not that they wanted her around either. She was after all the weird girl or freak if they are feeling brave.

She just sat there reading as her mother was in the kitchen humming and preparing dinner, and her father upstairs in his study doing paperwork, like usual. Everything was perfectly normal this summer day.

Jean Granger was glad today, humming away opening up every window in the house to let fresh air in. Making her delightful ham dinner that Henry Granger certainly adores. Yes for the Granger family everything seemed to be normal. Jean was looking out the window when she saw the postman walking up and sliding mail into the door.

She called out, "Hermione! Please get the post!"

Slightly upset about being interrupted Hermione slid off the couch with a sigh and quickly grabbed the mail. Without looking at it and walked to the kitchen and slid the mail onto the table and walked off back to her book, which was almost completely read.

After a few minutes, Jean finished up, putting the food into the oven to cook, and washed her hands to go through the mail.

Jean started going through the mail mentally organizing everything, 'Bill, bill, Aunt Annabeth's letter, and...a letter for Hermione?' Jean froze when seeing her daughter's name on the letter. That certainly wasn't normal. She opened it and read it her eyes widened.

"HENRY!" She yelled and sprinted up the stairs. Hermione looked from her book with curiosity. 'Why was her mother so spooked?'

Not paying attention to her book anymore she decided to listen closely from where she sat downstairs after all her parents were being quite loud.
"THIS HAS TO BE SOME KIND OF JOKE!" she heard her father yell.

"I DON'T KNOW...."

The arguing continued for a bit and then everything was silent and soon her mother came back downstairs.

Hermione looked at her blankly, "What was that about?"

"Don't worry about it, sweetheart! It's nothing you have to worry about," her mother stroked her head before walking back to the kitchen.

Hermione was curious now, but choose to find out later. After all, she knew she wouldn't be in the dark forever. Her mother would tell her soon enough after all. And with that thought, she went back to her book to read the final chapters of her book.

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