Year 1 - Dragons and Malfoy

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It was a week of everyone being back and Hermione was already tired of it.  The Slytherin's loud bragging about Christmas, Potter pretty much ignoring her as he was hanging out with Ron, the other houses overall being too joyful.  The only comfort was Snape's usual treatment to everyone.  Even McGonagall was more cheerful than normal.

The night was approaching and she was scowling at everything because it being a normal night where she would tolerate the other Slytherins.  It wasn't until someone was yelling at her as she snapped out of her mood to get to her emotionless look.  She turned and saw Potter with Weasley right behind him arms folded.

"Yes, Potter?"

"Hermione we need your help," Harry plainly stated almost beggingly.

Hermione raised an eyebrow at him, "And does Weasel agree with that?"

Ron's face turned bright red but before he started yelling at her Harry grabbed him and took him to the side.

"Look, you know we need her help.  You may not trust her or like it, but please trust ME on this."

"FINE!" Ron yelled and pushed Harry a bit away and they walked to her again.

Hermione acting like she was innocent turned back to them and smirked at Ron, "Yes?" She questioned Ron and almost smiled when his face turns back to the angry red.

"Do you remember Hagrid and the dragon egg he showed us when we visited?" Harry questioned her.

"Yes, Potter.  What about it?"

"Well it hatched and now there's a bigger problem.  Hagrid agreed with Ron and me to let Charlie take Norbert to Romania, to be with the other dragons."

"And I can help how?"

"Well, the Dragon grew...a lot...and it takes two people to carry him.  Charlie, Ron's brother, agreed to meet somewhere at Hogwarts secretly to get the dragon.  I was wondering since you know the most spells, could you send a signal of some sort on the Astronomy tower for them to land there?  Since Ron and I will be carrying the dragon.

"Why can't Hagrid carry the dragon?" She questioned thinking of how big he is.

"Well Hagrid is a bit soft when it comes to animals, so he will be a blubbering mess to even move this evening." 

"Wait, it's TONIGHT!" Hermione screeched out.

"Err...yeah...that's kinda why we are talking to you now..."

"Well, it's not like I have many choices, do I. So what time should I be in the tower doing a signal?"

Ron stepped up this time, "Charlie wrote around 11:30 is when they should be on Hogwarts territory to see the signals."

"Fine, I guess I'll see you then.  Potter, Weasel," she mocked waved at them, and walked off.  She could feel the angry glare from Ron on the back of her head.  

'Yes this is certainly interesting,' she thought as she walked away.

That night Hermione pretended to be asleep as she waited for her roommates to fall asleep.  Once that happened she slid out of the Slytherin dorms and common room what she thought in success.  Unfortunately for her, she wasn't very observant or she would have seen Malfoy in the corner of the common room doing some reading.  He watched her leave and in curiosity followed after her.

When she arrived in the astronomy tower she started doing small light streams from her wand into the air every now and then.  She soon grew bored and sat down as she continued to do it.  After a few minutes, the astronomy tower door opened again, and in front of her appear both Ron and Harry from the invisibility cloak.  The dragon is tucked away in a cage. The two boys looked winded.

"And how did you guys manage to get the dragon up here without much noise?"  

Ron was out of breath, "Let me tell you, it was difficult."  Harry nodded and he put in arms on his knees.  Hermione looked at them with a look that told them they were overreacting.  But in the distance, she saw small black objects in the sky coming towards them.  

Without hesitation, Hermoine sent up another small spark of light.  The people on brooms stopped next to them. 

"Hey Ron, how's school going?" a redheaded man spoke to him.  

'This must be Charlie,' Hermoine and Harry thought as the two brothers talked.  The other wizards started loading the dragon and securing it on the brooms.  Once it was settled one of the other men patted Charlie signaling it was time to go.

"Sorry little bro but we have to go.  Send love to mum!" Charlie hopped onto his broom and they all flew away.

"Well, that was exciting.  How about we now get back before we get caught." Hermione spoke with authority and they nodded before the three started walking back down the hallway to the moving staircase.  They got about halfway down the hall when footsteps were heard approaching them.  The three almost panicked but had nowhere to go.

Soon a very cross McGonagall appeared and in a rage as she looked at them.  

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" McGonagall was angry and from behind her, a smirking Malfoy appeared.  The three glared at him.

'Well, that could have gone better.'


A.N. - Another thank you to all my readers NOW WERE AT 400 READS!  That's so cool!   Sorry again about the late updates been really busy with school.  


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