Year 6 - The Peaceful Summer She'll Never Have

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A week...a week that Hermione needed was already gone she knew the conversation she was going to have with her mom and Henry Granger was going to be tough in the next few hours.  It was the closest she has ever felt pure sadness. 

The first two days of coming back from Hogwarts were normal, except the part where Draco never did get back to her and that bothered her the most. But the normal part was her mom coming to pick her up and drove her home. To her surprise, Henry decided to actually stay in the household while she was there.

Hermione spent the rest of the week she would be there being extra nice and spending as much time with her mother as she allowed. She watched Jean memorizing her face, actions, just little things even.

The way her mother would cook food so gentle, it looked like she was petting a small animal and didn't want to hurt it. Hermione listened to her voice as she hummed a tune that was long forgotten or was never told to her. The way her mother had a pure smile at Henry when they didn't notice Hermione was there.  

Yes, she spent that week just memorizing her as Jean Granger and the way Jean was now, reserved, but happy when she thought she was alone or just with Henry. 

Hermione knew she herself would never know the pure Jean Granger that was never affected by the past.

Hermione packed and made everything that showed there was another person in the house, but the couple, disappear. She laid down on her bed for the last time and looked up at the ceiling just breathing in the scent she didn't realize was comforting for her for years.

She sighed and got up off the bed raised her wand and put the shrunken objects in her pocket.  She slowly walked down the stairs Jean was in the kitchen cleaning up the dishes from the previous meal they all had. Hermione stood there for a moment and just watched. Jean turned around for the second to put a dish that was finished onto the table when she saw her.

"Oh, Hermione what are you doing down here usually you would be reading. Would you like some tea? Henry is coming home soon so I was going to make tea would you like some?" Jean smiled softly at her.

"Mom...if I wasn't here where would you be?"

Jean stopped for a moment and sat down another dish onto the table while thinking of the question.

"I don't know was me and Henry's dream long ago to be a traveling dentistry place. So maybe France...Germany...anywhere that would have allowed us to be there. France is really beautiful you know."

"Mom do you love me?" Hermione stated in a plain confused voice.

Jean sat down the last dish on the table and turned to her, "Of course I do...I know it might not seem like it...but I do love you in my own way." Jean walked towards her and hugged her for what must be the first time since she was a toddler. Hermione also hugged back and smelled her mother's scent. "And never forget that," Jean finished and let go of Hermione.  For the first time, Hermione didn't want the hug to end.

Hermione smiled softly at her, "mom you've worked hard today. I'll put up the dishes and make the tea for you two. Go relax for a bit."

Jean smiled at her, "thank you, Hermione."

Hermione just nodded and watched her walk out of the kitchen. Hermione turned to the stove and started making the tea and put up the dishes, once it was finished she poured it into her parent's teacups. Lastly, she reached into her pocket and pulled out the two vials she made before she left school.

She looked at the vials for a while before pouring it in each cup. The potion settled quickly in the tea and returned to a normal color. 

"The tea is done," Hermione yelled out to her mother before entering the laundry room that was off the kitchen.

The front door opened signaling the Henry was home. "Oh dear the tea is in the kitchen do you mind getting it," Jean asked Henry who sat down his stuff and walked to the kitchen getting the tea and bring it back to the living room.

Jean turned the television to a comedy channel as Henry sat down grabbing his tea glass. Jean also took up her tea glass and both took small sips of it. Soon both seemed to be spaced out as if not seeing. Hermione came out and looked at them knowing that this would happen.

She raised her wand at the house and set everything up perfectly. Finally, she gave one last look at last look at her mother and raised her wand...


The whispered spell took ahold and she worked on both their minds making it perfect the way it should be. 

She finished and disillusioned herself first before standing next to the open front door and watched as both seemed to wake from the trance that they were in.

They both watched the t.v. for a bit before Jean looked up at Henry.

"Wendell, why don't we just do it?" Jean questioned.

Henry looked startled asked, "do what dear?"

"The business! I mean I know I wanted to relax for a bit from the miscarriage two years ago, but we are still young...I don't want to live in the past anymore Wendell!" Jean now Monica said.

"Are you sure Monny?"

"Wendell...let's start living our lives and not live with regrets." Monica smiled such a bright smile that Hermione has never seen before.

"Where shall we go first?" Wendell asked grinning.

"ANYWHERE!" Monica smiled and they hugged each other in pure happiness. 


Hermione nodded and looked at them one last time in their happiest state and left walking away quickly. 

"Wendell! You left the door open again!"

"Sorry dear..."

Hermione disapparated leaving the place she used to long ago call home, knowing she was never coming back.

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