Year 1 - Christmas Almost Cheer

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A.N.  Before the chapter starts I just wanted to say thank you to all my readers.  I looked on my phone and to my surprise, I'm rank 17 in the category Hermoine.  This book is surrounded by other books with thousands of reads while I sit at 370 reads at the moment.  I just can't believe it and hope you continue reading this even if I have poor grammar and words.

I'm also #139 in Dramione (Which comes in LATER) #144 in another and #39 in another-other.  (HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE!)



*Chapter Starts Here*

It was Christmas morning and Hermione was certain it was going to be a good day.  She just had to avoid Malfoy and Daphne!  Doing the most un-Slytherin thing today she decided she can smile today, a genuine smile. 

She slid where she usually sat in the Great Hall and soon Harry walked in grinned and slid next to her. "Hey Hermione, Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas to you too, Potter." She smiled at him and he blinked at her.

"Am I mistaken or is that a smile on your face?"

"I think you're mistaken Potter," she smiled more and he laughed.

"So got anything interesting for Christmas?" Harry questioned while they started eating.

"My parents sent me a few books and a letter," she shrugged.  She was just happy getting what she got.

"What about your friends or your housemates?"

"In case you haven't noticed Potter my housemates prefer and hope I didn't exist.  I'm after all a mudblood."

"What's a mudblood?" Harry questioned.

"I didn't know the word either until I read about it.  It means dirty blood.  A person with magic that was born with muggle parents.  To them, I have dirty blood.  They're all stupid though, if  we compare blood, it's all the same color."

"That's HORRIBLE!" Harry shouted. 

"Don't worry about it, Harry.  I'm used to it."  Hermione told him and they continued to eat in silence. 

"Hey, do you think we could go to the library and try to find out information about Flamel?" Harry questioned.  "If we find it, it can be considered a Christmas present from us both, since I didn't get you anything."

"Deal and I didn't get you anything, either Potter.  I mean we just started hanging out not too long ago so this 'friendship' was unexpected."

"Yeah plus this may get us closer to what is hidden under Fluffy!"


"Oh, I learned that Hagrid named the three-headed dog Fluffy."

"That is interesting Potter, now come on we have to do some research!" Hermione mostly dragged Harry off to the library. 

It was hours later when both Harry and Hermione were tired of looking through books.  Hermione was getting particularly frustrated with the hunt for Flamel.  


"Come on Hermione maybe we should come back later."  She glared at him as he said that, "or maybe not." He muttered out at her glare.

"There is a place we haven't looked yet Harry...the restricted section.  Maybe it was one of my books from there." Hermione was muttering while looking around.

"Wait! Hermione, how did you get access to the restricted section?"

"I didn't..."

"Oh, so you just break-in? Maybe we should try tonight if we just break-in.  Too many people now plus Madam Prince has been eyeing us for a while now"

"But, curfew!" Hermione complained.

"Come on I have a way to sneak around without us being caught!  Just got it for Christmas. Plus I know you've been up past curfew told me."  Harry rolled his eyes at her.

"What is this thing then?"

"An invisibility cloak!"

"O.k. then let's do it tonight, you have to get me in the dungeons not be caught."

"Great!" Harry smiled and tired of reading for the rest of the day they left away from Madam Prince's eyes.

The night came too soon for Hermione.  She waited in the common room until the time arrived Harry said he'll be there.  She was lucky, Malfoy and Greengrass turned in early tonight, so there were no problems.

She heard a knock on the wall by Slytherin's portrait, so she slid out and ducked under the cloak.

"Harry...I know a shortcut to the library from here.  For light use 'Lumos' and flick your wand.  For the light to go out flick again and say 'Knox'.  Got it?"

"Yeah..." Harry stated and they tiptoed under the cloak up the hidden passageway Hermoine showed him.

They got to the restricted section of the library with ease and Hermione told him what section to be looking at.  After twenty minutes of dim light searching, Hermione found it.  She whispered for Potter to come to her.

"Look..." Harry read the small passage in the book she was holding.

"The philosophers stone," they both whispered at the same time.

"It makes sense now! Why Hagrid was being all quiet about it...."  Harry was lost in thought.

"Hey, we should head back now." Hermione broke his train of thought and he nodded.  He took her back to her common room where she went in and to her dorm.  After all the others are coming back soon.  Might as well sleep as much as she can before Pansy comes back.  Sadly Hermione didn't get much sleep her mind wandering over to what they discovered and why Harry didn't tell her the whole truth.

'Oh well, I'll just find out later,' She thought as she turned over to her other side.

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