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Klara's pov

I knocked on the door ,
After four seconds a teacher opened the door.

"Yes how can i help you?" She asked really not interested in talking.

"Hi! I am new student" i said politely. My mother and father are very good in parenting, if she is rude then No i won't be rude because she is my teacher and students respect their teacher right?

"Come in" she said.
When i went inside guess what happened?

They started staring, there were not many students around twenty five something.
"Class we have new student among us" the teacher said.

"Introduce yourself please" she said looking towards me.

"Hi! My name is Klara" i said
Teacher nodded.

"Lia raise your hand please" the teacher said.
A girl of around six feet with red or ginger hair i don't know raised her hand. She was pretty no doubt about it . I guess she is going to be that typical bitchy and attitude type of girl.

"Have a seat with her" the teacher said.
After i went towards Lia ,the teacher started her lecture and honestly i wasn't paying attention because my mind was literally towards the window where birds were chirping.
How cool would that be right?
Enjoying your life at one place then have kids eat something, go visit your 'birdy' relatives.
Wow what an life.
"Hi Klara right?" The lia girl asked.

"Yeah" i replied
"So you like watching birds too?" She asked
"I adore them, they are so joyous living in their own world. Demonstrating their ability, skills." I replied smiling

"I too love them , by the way i am Lia Williams" she then forwarded her hand.
I shook her hand.

"You are really nice you know , at first i thought you were that typical 'Regina George'.
I said sarcastically. Every school has that one girl who thinks she is QUEEN of school, and i hate that shit .

"No no i am far far away from queenbee a so called girl name Lara thinks herself as the queenbee." Lia said.

"Klara and Lia eyes on the board" the teacher said.

Lia and I both looked at each other and started laughing quietly. I guess we are going to be good friends.

Soon the english lecture went and so did chemistry it was now time for our lunch and i am so glad that Lia was there with me in Chemistry because the chem class was at the opposite end.

"Klara will you sit with me and my friends at lunch?" Lia asked.

"Yeah thanks though if you were not here then i probably would have eaten at parking lot because i am too shy" i said .

We both chatted, laughed a lot while going towards cafeteria. Some people were giving me looks and were whispering but i ignored all of that shit.

"Lia over here" a girl with black hair shouted. She was so pretty . Lia took my hand and dragged me towards the last table of cafeteria.

"Heya this is Klara , she is new and is literally the best" lia introduced me .

"Hi my name is klara" i said.

"Hi my name is Sophia" she replied politely.

"You look amazing you know" i complimented.
"No you look more pretty" Sophia said.
We three again looked towards each other and started laughing.

"Sophia and klara you guys wait here i will go and purchase an soft drink for three of us" lia said.
We both nodded and she left.

"So Sophia tell me about you something" i asked . I am very eager to know more about lia and sophia because they are my only friends except sarah.

"Well i have a brother who is very annoying, and very protective then i have my mother and father, dad owns a company and my mother is well my mother"

"Oh i really understand because i have six brothers" i shrugged.
Lia was about to reply when lia came
"Heya i am back here are your drinks" lia passed us our drinks.

The front door opened with a bang and baam here comes my brothers in their glory.
All the students turned their way to look towards them .

"Ughh why did they have to come" i muttered under my breath

"Oo oo why the bloody hell DE LUCAS are coming towards our table lia?" Sophia asked

"I don't know" lia replied in fear
Huh? What did my brothers did to them

"Well well looks like our little sister has made some friends"

"Shut up gray what do you want" i asked angrily

"Klara you are supposed to sit with us during lunch now get your little mind over there" andrew said pointing towards the centre table.
Popular Jerks.

Sophia and Lia's eyes went wide , the drink which sophia was drinking spitted it out.

"What the hell soph" lia yelled

"Wait a second i - i dont under-undestand Klara you are De Luca?" Soph asked

"Um yeah they are my brothers" when i said this line it again hit me with deja vu , first the parking lot scene now same scene at cafeteria.

"Yes she is our sister so stay away guys" aiden yelled towards some idiot boys who were looking , no rather staring at me.

"I am sorry i never told you" i replied shyly

"It's okay we will then meet in history class bye" lia said .
I am telling you we are going to be very good friends.

"Well lets go klara bear" gray teased
Lia and soph chuckled
"Bye soph" gray said
Sophias face literally went red.
She nodded

Something's going on. I need to have a chat with my brother.

"Well well if isn't famous De Lucas sister" a boy said. And literally he was wearing a suit. Why? I don't know

"Hi" i said

"Flower they are Chuck bass, Jake peralta , Zack Anderson" aiden introduced me

"You all already know me" i chuckled.
I took a seat between the twins , grayson was sitting beside aiden and their friends were sitting opposite us. Their were still three four chairs remaining so i guess some more people are going to come.

I was quietly eating my nachos when my nachos were snatched from my hands.

When i turned around-
"You again" i said.

Heya guyss!
Sorry for late update ..😩😩😭
I got stomach infection so I wasn't feeling good i hope you understand.

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Next i am posting the characters of De lucas friends.


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