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Azrael's pov

She made me the luckiest guy on the whole planet. I was scared, i really didn't knew she loved me too. She waited for me. Chuck and Xax arranged the date so well that I just couldn't stopped myself and gifted them two new Jaguar.
They thought i was giving them just because they helped me but no i wanted to thank them. I am very different in sharing feelings. I dont share my feelings or my thoughts.
Jake know it too that i am reserved , he understands me without even sharing a shit to him.
I have to start telling her, she is like an free butterfly she tells me everything.
But i have to open my heart too.

"Love is totally nonsensical. But we have to keep doing it or else we're lost and love is dead, and humanity should just pack it in. Because love is the best thing we do."

Next stop? Facing my mother's thousands of questions.
As soon as i entered the mansion my very over energetic mother was standing there.She was smiling so much oh my god it going to be a long night.

"My baby is finally home! Azrael you need to tell me everything! Absolutely EVERYTHING!" She said dragging me towards our couch.

"Mom stop it i am not a kid. Why are you dragging me like this" i exclaimed.

"Oh hushh Azrael. Now i want details. Finally my baby boy has grown up , from the beginning i knew you and klara were meant to be together. Oh what will i do when you marry her?"

"Mm hmm mother what more do you want ? A football team of kids? It's possible for me! But klara won't be able to handle it." I smirked leaning my head on soft pillow and yikes i am still on my date clothes.

"Don't you think anything else then kids, sex or something Azrael? But what can i expect you are going to be the most feared don in the whole world. Anyone these are for later, tell me first about date" mom said taking my face in her lap and massaging my head.

"It was best day of my life mom, she loved me from beginning and she was afraid just like me. She understands me so well , I didn't even had to explain so much to her , she just told me that she knew it was all new for me. Mom how did i got so lucky and so dumb at the same time? Why i didn't figured out my feelings before hand?"

"Its okay Azrael, i am so glad you opened your heart" mom said caressing my face.

"The most beautiful scene, finally my boy got some balls to ask her out huh azy boy?" Dad said coming out of nowhere and chuckled.

"No dad now you too please spare me" i sighed.

"Haha fine your mother will tell me already, but i am warning you before hand that Leonardo won't be so happy"
Dad said in teasing manner.

"Why do you guys want me to first think about what is in the future? When I haven't enjoy my present?" I asked.

My parents were about to reply when alex came running.
"Uncle Ray Ray. Where were you we missed our Formula 1" alex pouted and sat on my lap.

"Hey buddy. I am so sorry we missed the race, i was kinda busy"

"What were you doing? Were you with Flower? Are you now girlfriend-boyfriend? Are you guys marrying?"
Before Alex could continue his blabbering i placed my hand on his mouth and my parents and I chuckled.

"Not you too alex. You will ask this question to you flower aka klara by your own"

"Okay, you know i am so afraid. I saw Snow White today, i think so the Evil Queen is under my bed. Can i please sleep with you on your bed. Mother and Father are not in town you know that right. What if-

Before alex could say anything more, my mother chirped in
"Alex its okay honey. Azrael won't see you sad. And don't worry your mom dad will come tomorrow okay baby. Now come with me its your cereal time then off you go to bed."

"Bye Uncle Ray Ray, i will meet you in your room." He slightly waved at me and i waved too.

"Goodnight father, i am super tired. Tomorrow we have the meeting with the local gangs, so you too sleep dad"

"Don't worry about your old man Azrael. I couldn't have been more proud at you and Ryan. You both are pride of American Mafia." Dad chuckled and i left smiling.
I was laying on my bed and was just replaying all the things that happened today, i am doomed man.
The door creaking made we go off my thoughts, Alex's head popped at my room.
"Hi uncle ray ray i am back" he said standing at his place.
I opened my arms and he came running.
"Hey champ, we both together will defeat your Evil Queen of Snow white and whatever."

"Uncle Ray Ray it is called Snow White and the seven dwarfs , will you please read me this book today" alex asked showing me his puppy dog eyes.

"Why not? I have been reading it to you since you were one year old, now come on you have your school tomorrow" i said tucking him in my bed.
He snuggled close to my shoulder and i started reading that dumb book.

Klara's pov

Finally after a lot of explaining, talking and yelling my best night was ended.
I had to explain why i was so late and not picking up the calls to my brothers and my father.
Talking and telling my mother about the date except some details.
Then the hardest part was explaining Sarah, Lia and Sophia . Sarah too now are friends with lia and sophia, all three girls were bombarding me with questions after questions.
And the most hilarious one was 'did we do that' to which i screamed NO.
Lorenzo again poked me for the proposal, of course he knew about the date but he didn't said anything because apparently to him Azrael is good for me.
I have to start planning his proposal, even Azrael told me some ideas.
How could he be so hopeless romantic and the most cruel person?
Next day i woke and saw the time, it was already past ten which means no school, only one month left for this school to get over.
I went downstairs and saw mother sitting on the chair and reading book.
"Good morning mom" i said placing a kiss on her cheek.
"Morning sweetheart,you were pretty tired right? Only today is the day where i am letting you go tomorrow you have to go to school." Mom said sternly.

"Yes Captain Jack Sparrow. I will eat some cereals and chocolates, not really very hungry" i said yawning and plopping myself on sofa.

"Klara why do you always feel so sleepy!" Mom said
I shrugged.

Jessica our maid bought me some cereals and chocolate which i gladly ate.
"Mom i have some things to do so i will see you later"
I have a lot of planning to do!
After a lot researching I contacted a event planner and told them some ideas and asked them to prepare it.
They replied that it will only take one day for the preparations so tomorrow the set up would be ready by one pm.
It was perfect!
Now what to do?
Informing lorenzo about the plan and asking for his permission .
I ringed him and he picked up , the plan was good to him and he told he will inform our family about the plan because according to him-
' it have to be a surprise for them too. I will make Lily somehow come to the destination dont worry '.
The rest of day i spent with Mr oreo,and Mr Ash
(They both are her pets)

In night i talked with Azrael and then facetimed. He was looking like he was going to sleep in any minute but he was awake just because of me!
How much i love this idiot.
I lied him that i was feeling sleepy but in fact i was trying to make him go to sleep.
I can't wait for Lily to be our family member.

Next update of the Proposal ❤️
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Until next time

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