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Leonardo's pov(dad of klara)

"cosa vuoi dire che non riesci a trovarla?" Two hours. Two fckn hours and klara is still not at home.
Anthony and mario didn't even realised that klara had heard the business of mafia.
One day it was bound to happen but not in this way, where she accidentally hears it.
I know it must be a lot to take in such information after all she is just sixteen.

(Translation- what do you mean you can't find her.)

"Sir she tricked her two guards, jim informed that klara was bored and was roaming so she heard" Mike right hand man of Lorenzo explained.
Since Klara's disappearance everyone started fuming with anger and sadness.

"Anthony mario can't you be more careful" amelia said

"Mom we didn't even knew" Anthony tried to explain.

"che cazzo stavano facendo Jim e Tim? avrebbero dovuto guardarla ogni volta" lorenzo now finally said anything,well more like shouted. He has been awfully quite since she went away.

(Translation-What the fuck jim and tim were doing? They were supposed to watch her everytime.)

Before jim and tim could reply , Mr oreo's bark was heard , everyone turned their head towards door

"I am back" klara yelled.

"What the fck klara"
"Where did you go"
"It could be so dangerous"
"Why didn't you take your guards"

Before anyone could say anything more i shouted "stop everyone" twins and Grayson stopped bombarding her with questions.

"Klara I know you heard everything come on we have to talk" Amelia said politely, she was trying very hard to not cry .

"Okay mom" what changed her mind so quickly? I wonder

Klara's pov

"Okay mom" I replied.
I love them, if they hid something it must be something for my benefit, i know they will provide  a reason.

"Yes klara we are in mafia, Lorenzo is the current Don and dad used to be the don too but he gave the business to Lorenzo" Mario explained.

"Okay, but why you hid it from me" my expression changed into sad one

"You are the youngest klara, we were protecting you,why do you think Anthony started teaching you boxing out of nowhere, why twins and gray used to keep an eye on you school? There are many reasons , we did it because you are our weakness, and if enemies come to know about you something bad can happen"
Dad explained, it all makes sense. How much i love my family.

"But i am seen at public gatherings, then at my birthday there were paparazzi" but why? People already know about me .

"I know k bear , but we don't know what happens in mafia next. Maybe some enemies can think that you are special or like other children. We don't know klara"
Mother explained. Mom knew too? WHAT THE HELL

Of course she knows, if she didn't knew why she will marry your dad

But its mafia

Shut up klara

You are my subconscious

"Earth to klara" aiden snapped his fingers in front of my face.

"Dad you guys don't sell children or something like that right?" I shivered at the thought of selling

"No no klara we totally oppose that" dad chuckled

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