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Avalon's POV:


Today is our game and mom is coming home tonight for the weekend, she finally gets a day off. This time next month is goodbye to her until we see her sometime before our birthdays,  I think for our first break from school we should spend a few days at Donovan's parents' lakehouse with our friends.

"Mom is coming home later should we tell her about dad's little friend?" Avery asks.

"I'm sure she knows about her so why bother", I shrug.

"I'm just saying she should know another woman was in the house."

"It will cause tension between dad and her Avery, she already leaving next month, we don't need to speed up their divorcement process", I sigh.

"What do you mean divorce?" She frowns.

"It will happen rather we like it or not, I can see it coming soon maybe after we graduate or before", I shrug, "Mrs. Parker already divorced three years, she can influence dad."

"Maybe you're right, dad will tell her if he wants to."

I nod and make breakfast while Avery puts on lipgloss on her lips using the small mirror in her palm.

"Are you ready for tonight's game?" She asks.

"Yeah, I hope dad can make it", I nod.

"He will, mom might come as well", she assures me.

I place a plate in front of her, I make waffles for us.

"I miss aunt Mia", Avery sighs, "do you think we can visit her for our first break?"

"Actually I was thinking if we can spend a few days at the lakehouse", I suggest.


I nod, "the next break will be during the cold weather, and I rather not try to swim in the lake then."

"We'll be going to America anyways", she shrugs.

"Hopefully, I can't believe how short it is", I sigh.

"Yeah, short breaks until December. I'll pitch the idea to Donovan when he comes to pick me up."

"He'll agree of course or we can simply spend a night camping before we go to the lakehouse", I shrug.

Avery leaves ten minutes later, Jesse arrives a few minutes later for me.

"You have to defend your position as much as possible", he tells me.

"I know and I plan to, no way Bryce is getting it", I state.

"Good attitude, I believe in you", he encourages.


When I get to school everyone is talking about the game and possibly an after-party.

"Are you coming to my party tonight?" Felix asks me.

"What party?"

"Our after-party, of course, last week I didn't attend any party so I want to host one", he explains.

"I'll think about it."

He nods and goes back to Nabila, I got to say their relationship is going surprisingly well.

"Valentines' day is in about three weeks, there will be a dance", Jesse reminds me.

"I know, I'm not going."

"But you said that every year, time for change", he whines, "I'm taking you to the dance."

"Isn't it  a bit too early to ask that?"

The Tomboy And The Captain (#wattys2021)Where stories live. Discover now