💙Chapter 21💙

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Remember after the storm there will be a rainbow.
~African proverb

When I arrived home, I was so caught up in thought.

I wondered why Xavier never hesitated to kiss me. At that point, I wondered why he agreed to be my fake boyfriend in the first place.

He always hated it when people spoke about me liking Tristan and even when Kassy called me names he was quick to defend me even though the Xavier I have known never talks much.

Whatever was happening just seemed beyond my comprehension.

My mind brought back the memory of the kiss. Kassy said it was passionate and I couldn't argue with her because even the memory of it made me feel a particular way.

I sat quietly as I stared at the ceiling of my room. It did not help to look at the ceiling but it sure did help me to think less about what was happening.

Just when my mind was still pondering upon what had happened, I heard the sound of my phone vibrate and I knew that vibration meant nothing but a sign that I had received a text message.

I opened the text message and I noticed it was from Xavier.

Not him again. I did not want to talk to him at that time. I had a lot I was trying to take in.

Anyways, I could not ignore him, so I opened the message.

I am sorry.

My mouth fell open and my eyes widened. Why was he apologizing?

For what? I typed back. That was the most abrupt apology I had ever received.

For kissing you. I went too far.

That was what he was apologizing for? There was nothing wrong with that. He did what he had to do, there was no need to apologize.

You don't have to apologize for that. You did nothing wrong. I typed,  I did not understand what he was getting so worked about.

So you don't find it a problem that I kissed you?

No, I don't! Was I supposed to find an issue with that?

We are pretending to be in a relationship, so one way or the other we would eventually get asked to kiss.

I acted relaxed just to prevent him from feeling guilty. I did find it strange that he was willing to make such a move on me but I am not one to complain.

Then why did you avoid me?

I was uncomfortable.  I replied honestly. Ever since he kissed me, everything was just too hard for me to take in.

I felt uncomfortable with the feeling that I may have taken the whole pretense thing too far.

Why? Was the kiss that bad?


That kiss was good and I hate admitting that. I just wanted to avoid him so that I could carefully think about the situation.

No, it wasn't. I think we need to talk about this in person.

I decided that I needed to end the whole pretending to be his girlfriend before things get real. But there was no way I was going to dump my fake boyfriend on text.

Okay. I will be waiting for you at the same place tomorrow.

With that, I ended our conversation. I just had to. I would have to drop the bomb on him tomorrow.

I wondered if he would get hurt but I highly doubted that because what we had was fake so I had no reason to worry.

I continued staring at the ceiling when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in," I said wondering who it was.

As the door creaked open I saw my mom entering the room. How strange! She never knocks when entering my room.

I looked at her with my hand covering my mouth. Trying to show her that I was shocked that she knocked.

"Oh, come on. I know how to knock." She said laughing.

"But you rarely do it," I chuckled." Anyways, what is the purpose of your visit my old acquaintance?"

"Did you just call me old? "She retorted." I am way too sexy to be called old."

"But you are old." I giggled, causing her to laugh as well.

"Yeah, old and sexy." She laughed at her joke." Okay, I am here to call you for dinner."

I wasn't hungry at that time so I almost declined but that was when I remembered my mom was in my room.

I never had a close friend to talk to so I thought that it would be wise to ask my mom for her advice.

"Before we go for dinner can I talk to you?"

My mom turned her head dramatically and blinked her eyes rapidly and then let out a very creepy grin.

"Sure. What would you like to talk  about?" She said trying to act relaxed but she failed miserably.

I hesitated for a while causing my mom to smile even more creepily.

"Is it about boys?" She said as though she could read my mind.

I was too ashamed to reply with my voice, so I just nodded and she chuckled slightly.

"Tell me." She said with a less creepy grin.  Her smile showed that she wanted to know what I had to say.

I started by telling her about the fight and about how Tristan rejected me.

I even told her about how I met Xavier and how I agreed to pretend to be his girlfriend.

I hesitated a little when telling her about the kiss but then I later did.

When I did, her mouth fell open. She stayed that way for a while, which made me wonder what she was thinking about.

Then later she let out a cheeky smile." That's good."

Did she think of that as a good thing?

I gave her an incredulous stare." What is good about that?"

"Looks like Xavier likes you." My eyes bulged and my hand flew to my mouth.

Xavier, likes me?

I was dazed at her conclusion. I never thought he did.

"Luna, I thought you were the math genius here. How did you not notice?" She scolded.

"Math and boys are two different things mom,"  I said laughing.

"Boys are very easy to understand while  math is a different story and he cleared showed all the signs from day one."

"He did and I did not even notice. I am very dumb."

"Yes, you are." She giggled.

"Would it be wise for me to end the fake relationship?"  I said wondering whether it would be a good idea.

"I don't want to dictate you but if you feel like you have to then do it. But there is no way you feel nothing for him."

I didn't know how I felt about him. I never cared to think about it.

"You can't tell me you felt nothing when kissing him?" She continued when she noticed my silence. I started to feel very uncomfortable with that conversation immediately it went to talking about my feelings.

"I think we need to go for dinner now. We can continue the conversation tomorrow. My stomach is rumbling in hunger." I lied.

I wanted to end the conversation because I was tired of thinking about everything.

"Okay." My mom answered without a hint of anger.

Just like that,  I avoided overthinking things even more.

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