Chapter 18: Get Out Of My Head

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Artemis Pov:

After a long day of working I went back home to go to sleep but while going to sleep I fell into this black void where I saw something or someone that I didn't believe. It was my father.

He was cover in blood and my sister right in front of him. Not only that but my mother was also dead on the couch. He soon got up stares to my room where he open the door and walk to my younger self.

I tried to grab the man arm but when I did I went threw him. I tried to move but I wad lock in place. My childhood self look at my dad then me with a cold stare before he took him away.

I tried to ran after him but when I did I saw one of my ex josh who also cheated on me. He was kissing this girl when I saw and ran away. He saw this and follow me to my house where he push me on the bed and started tried to rape me which anger me to the point that I kill him or at least that what I saw.

That when myself look at me before trying to walk up to me. He was cover in josh blood and tried to grab my arm but before he did I fell into a void  where I saw Andrew beating me up before grabbing me and telling me over and over again that I was his.

He was cover in blood but it wasn't my blood that is when I saw someone who I hope I never saw. It was shino body cover in blood.

I fell on my knees when I saw him. That is when I started to here voices in my head. Voices that were getting louder and more Violent. Telling me to kill and make everyone suffer like I had in the past but I couldn't. I was crying and was screaming for help.

When I saw another version of me came to me but he look more like a villain.

V. Artemis- Oh don't be scared after all if was your destiny to become a villain and not a hero

Artemis- No your wrong I am a hero or at least was

V. Artemis- Come on now stop acting like this and fight me

With that villain me slap me before started beating me up while I was to weak to do anything

Artemis Mind- Someone anyone help

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