Chapter 14

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Lizzie's pov

"Katerina Petrova," I breathe, as I continue to gawk at her.

The woman who stands before me has long dark hair and beautiful hazel eyes. Those eyes contain a look filled with so much determination and confidence that I have to force myself not to back away.

"Who sent you?" Katherine snarls. "Answer me!" she yells, as she launches herself at me. 

Cold hands clamp themselves around my throat, and I find myself gasping for air. 

"Is it him? Is he here? Does he know where I am?" she shouts. Her tone is full of menace, but there's something else behind her words, as well... 

Fear. Utter, desperate, fear.

"Get- Off of- Me!" I shout, as I twist around. I manage to snap the bone of her left wrist, but all that does is anger her. 

"No one knows you're here!" I say. "Hell- No one even knows that I'm here!"

This causes her grip on my neck to loosen. But she still sits on top of me, holding me in place and making sure I can't break free. 

"Fine," she says, "I believe you are telling me the truth."

I blink. "Wait, just like that?" I ask.

Katherine nods. "The problem is, though," she says thoughtfully, "I make it a habit not to trust anyone. I cut off all loose ends the second they appear. It is safer that way."

My eyes widen in the realization of what this means. 

"You understand, don't you?" Katherine asks me. She raises her hand in the air, as if to chop my head off. 

The fact that I have magic doesn't even occur to me. All I do is desperately scream out, "I can help you hide from Klaus!"

To my surprise, my head remains attached to my shoulders when I dare to open my eyes. Katherine stares at me. "What?" she whispers.

"I- I'm a heretic. Half witch, half vampire. I can put a cloaking spell on you, one that will last for two entire years. You could literally be standing right in front of Klaus, and he wouldn't even know you were there," I say rapidly. 

Katherine tilts her head to the side, as if inviting me to keep talking.

"Look," I say, as I try to control the level of panic in my voice, "Klaus is my enemy, too. He kidnapped my best friend, which is a whole other story- My point is, it's in your best interests not to kill me right now," I finish.

Katherine slowly lifts herself off of me. 

"How do you even know who I am?" she asks warily. 

"You're Katerina Petrova," I immediately reply, "Anyone who's heard of Klaus knows who you are. You're the only one who's managed to evade his capture for a century and a half."

Katherine nods and smiles to herself, as if proud of this reputation. "I actually go by Katherine now," she says, as she watches me pick myself up from the ground.

"Okay, Katherine," I say, "I can put a cloaking spell on you. All you have to do in return is-" I suddenly frown, remembering why I entered this bar in the first place.

"What the hell are you even doing here?" I exclaim. "Klaus is literally staying in a manor a few hours away from here- do you have any idea what he's going to do to you if he figures out-" 

"But he won't," Katherine replies coolly, "And haven't you heard? It's best to keep your enemies close by."

My jaw drops at her words. I always thought of her to be a coward of some sort- And since she's depicted as 'the girl who ran from Klaus Mikaelson for five centuries' in our history books, no one can blame me for thinking that. But clearly, she's got a lot more nerve than I ever could have given her credit for.

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