Chapter 61

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Lizzie's Pov 

My mom and I wait in the coffee shop across the street from the Mikaelson Compound. When the barista tells us that we need to leave because he needs to close up, my mom compels him away.

We wait for two whole hours, until finally, I see Cami and Hope in the distance. As the two of them say goodbye, my mom and I stand up, and slowly make our way towards Hope.

"There you two are," Hope says, turning towards us once Cami is a safe distance away. "Did you get it?"

I hold the trident up to her face, and wave it around.

"Good," Hope breathes. "Now all there's left is to make a copy of me."

She leads us back through the gates of the Compound, and into her room.

Once we're inside, I quickly lift the illusional trick spell off of me and my mom, because there's something highly disturbing about seeing somebody else's face every time you glance at the mirror. Besides, I want my face to be the one Real Hope sees when she's pulled out of Hope's body, not some stranger's.

Hope smooths out the page that contains the instruction for the Gemini Coven's cloning spell on her desk, and looks up at me expectantly.

"This is the most complicated spell I've ever seen!" I sputter, only now realizing how many details I will need to get correctly. "Not to mention it requires an immense amount of power!"

"You're a heretic," Hope says. "You're one of the top three most powerful supernatural species in the world. Make it work."

"I- I'll need to channel someone or something powerful. Like... You," I say to her.

"Yeah, because I'm totally going to trust you with my life, soul, and sanity and everything," Hope scoffs. But then her eyes light up. "But I think I know something that might work."

She looks directly at me with a mischievous grin on her face. "Ready for one final adventure, Saltzman?"


We wait until midnight, which is the time that Cami told Hope she would be coming to the Compound to meet with Klaus. My mom stays in Hope's room, to keep an eye on the trident. Meanwhile, Hope and I carefully sneak out into the hall, and edge our way towards Klaus's door.

"Hello, Camille," I hear Klaus say.

"It's Cami," Cami answers.

"I've been calling you 'Camille' for nearly the past two decades. And you know how stubborn I can be, so for your sake, stop correcting me," he says in an amused tone.

I risk taking a step forward to see what's going on through the crack of the door.

"Nearly two decades," Cami shakes her head. "Has it really been that long? Seventeen years since I first discovered the supernatural world?"

"Seventeen years since you went digging around the Ninth Ward witches' business for answers about your mass murderer of a twin brother, until you found yourself face to face with me," Klaus replies.

"And then you killed me," Cami says.

"I turned you," he corrects her. "There's a big difference. I turned you because I saw the potential for greatness you had."

"No, you turned me because of my family name. The O'Connells, the confiscators of the dark artifacts of New Orleans."

"Same thing," Klaus shrugs. "Regardless, look at where you are now. People tremble in your presence."

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