Chapter 54

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Third Person Pov

Alternate Hope woke up with a gasp. She looked around- as she had feared, she was back in the dark emptiness of her own mind.

A sickening thud shook the back of Alternate Hope's skull. Grasping at her hair, she scrambled away from what had attacked her.

Real Hope panted in and out, and launched a kick at Alternate Hope's back.

Alternate Hope fell to the ground, but all she did was let out an amused laugh.

"Angry, are you?" she said to Real Hope.

"How long has it been?" Real Hope demanded. "I don't- I don't have any sense of time here. Tell me how long you impersonated me!"

"Two years," Alternate Hope replied. She then laughed at the shocked expression on Real Hope's face. "I'm kidding!" Alternate Hope said. "But don't worry, Hope. I was caught of guard this time, but next time, I'll make sure to stay alive for a couple decades, at least. We won't have to see each other until then."

She then ran for the door that had materialized in midair.

Real Hope grabbed Alternate Hope by her leg, and slammed her down onto the floor. She landed four whole punches to Alternate Hope's face, before she was kicked backwards.

"You've been busy, love," Alternate Hope pointed out. "Have you been training yourself?"

"Do me a favor and shut the hell up," Real Hope said. She charged straight at Alternate Hope, then changed her direction last minute. Using her werewolf strength, she kicked off from the ground and hooked her hand around the door frame.

"I wouldn't do that, if I were you," Alternate Hope panted, leaping up just as Real Hope had. She wrapped her hands around Real Hope's throat, and the two tribrids came falling back onto the ground. "I've made quite a mess of things, you see, and I very much doubt you'll want to see what I did."

"If you hurt any of my friends, I swear-"

"Oh, I did a lot more than 'hurt', darling," Alternate Hope grinned. "I may or may not have put their entire existence on the line. Not to mention the part where I tried to rip out Caroline Forbes's heart-" She let out a groan when Real Hope kneed her in the stomach.

"Is it fun for you? Destroying other people's lives? Does it give you some kind of sadistic pleasure?" Real Hope demanded.

"You, of all people, don't get the right to say that!" Alternate Hope screamed, clawing at Real Hope's face. "You took everything from me! And you're making me out to be some kind of villain, just for wanting things to be the way they were!"

"I've been you," Real Hope said. "A little over a week ago, I was willing to abandon my friends, just for the sake of being with a monster who looked like my dad. But I have to think of the greater good! A world where Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson are at war is doomed to end."

"Only the weak are destined to end. But if your strong, you can live forever," Alternate Hope said. Black veins bursted across her face.

"So you're willing to let others die? As long as the Mikaelsons are on top, it doesn't matter who else suffers?" Real Hope shouted.

"Exactly," Alternate Hope replied.

"You know, I am so glad," Real Hope said, "That I wasn't born into your world."

The two of them fought, as they had before. But this time, Real Hope had the upper hand. Not only was she more prepared this time, but she had managed to jumble up Alternate Hope's thoughts. And everybody knew that if you didn't have a level mind when fighting, if you didn't have a single purpose to follow... The fight always ended badly for you.

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