Chapter 50

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Lizzie's Pov

"You have to let me come with you!"

"No! Lizzie- It's too dangerous."

"But dad-"

"Please, Lizzie! We are dealing with something that no one in the history of the world has ever dealt with before! So please, just stay here, okay? I called your mother, she's going to be flying in fron Europe any minute now. Wait for her. Please."

And with that, my dad, Freya, Rebekah, Kol, Davina, Keelin, and Marcel all exit through the gates of the school. At my dad's request, Freya spells the gates shut so that none of the students can leave.

"I can't believe they're not letting us go search for Hope!" I shout, throwing my hands up in the air.

"I can't believe Hope just ran off like that. She looked more... Broken, than I've ever seen her before," Josie mumbles.

"And what was up with her acting like this is the first time she's hearing about her parents' death?" MG frowns.

"I don't know," I groan.

"You guys don't think she left Mystic Falls, do you? Freya's failed attempt at a locator spell told us that Hope put a cloaking spell on herself, so... She could be anywhere right now," Josie says.

"I think we should siphon away Freya's stupid locking spell, and go search for Hope ourselves," I snarl, standing up and marching towards the gates-

"Lizzie, look!" Josie shouts eagerly, pointing to something in the distance.

I squint, and see the familiar design of a sleek black car heading towards us...

"Mom!" Josie says.

Our mom, who looks the same age as her own daughters, smiles weakly as she gets out of her car. The enchanted gates swing open only for her, before slamming themselves shut again.

"Hey, Josie," our mom says in a breathless voice.

Her eyes then turn to me.

"Lizzie," she says. There's so much weight in her voice, as if she can't decide on whether she should freak out, be mad, or be sad- all those emotions have mixed themselves up to bring about one result- She's speaking in a calm voice, but she looks so much on edge that I can literally see her pupils shaking.

"Mom, I'm fine-"

"Oh, god," our mom sobs, yanking me into a huge hug. "You were never supposed to... I didn't want this for you... God, Lizzie- Ric told me about half the story, but everything was so jumbled up that I didn't get to understand before he hung up- You travelled through time?" my mom shouts.

"Maybe?" I say with a shaky laugh.

"God, what must you have gone through? Both of you?" she turns to Josie, and pulls her forward so that all three of us are wrapped in a tight embrace. "I should never have been gone for so long... I should have been here, to make sure this never happened..."

"Mom, it's fine," I say, rubbing her back reassuringly. "Really. Everything worked out in the end, didn't it?"

"R-Right," our mom says, blinking back traces of tears. She lets out a deep breath, wipes her tears off her face, then puts on a somewhat brighter face.

"But tell me, Lizzie... What happened to you? And to Hope? What could have possibly taken place, for both of you to have come back to our time as vampires?" she asks.

"Hope died while trying to save me," I say, still feeling a pang of guilt as I say those words.

"And you? How did you die?" my mom asks me softly.

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