Chapter 57

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Lizzie's Pov

"What if it's all the same person? Can we do that?" I say quickly, before Hope can make another snarky comment.

"What do you mean?" Stefan frowns.

"Can't one person just take the entire fall? Get their neck snapped, their heart torn out and staked?" I ask.

"You would sacrifice yourself to save your mother and friend? How noble," Rebekah says rather disappointedly.

"Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of offering my 'friend' up for sacrifice," I say, glancing at Hope.

"What?" Hope shouts.

It's the perfect solution, really. Hope can revive even if she gets her heart ripped out. Not to mention it would provide my Hope with a chance to escape Alternate Hope's mind.

Stefan begins to laugh at my words, and Klaus joins in, as well.

"Who knew a pretty thing like you could be so bloodthirsty?" Stefan says to me. "Unfortunately, those aren't the rules of the game."

"Screw the game!" Hope shouts. She quickly turns around and faces me. "At least tell me you do have some kind of giant memory-erasing spell we can use," she demands.

"Of course I do," I reply, remembering the reverse purge spell Josie discovered in 1642.

"Good," she nods. "Because we'll be needing it. Sul Opraem Chele Kouzlo!" She shoots her hand out at Stefan, and he jumps back from the window, his hand bubbling and threatening to burst into fire.

Hope curves her hand a little, and bends the sunlight so that it becomes a border line separating us from Rebekah, Klaus, and Stefan.

Sul Opraem Chele Kouzlo... I shake my head and smile, despite my not wanting to. A daylight amulet dispelling hex. She just rendered Stefan's daylight ring useless.

"The redhead is a siphon witch, too?" Rebekah says, looking back and forth between Hope and me.

"Something like that," Hope sneers, unknowingly mimicking Stefan's words from last night. With the flick of her hand, she magically slams both Klaus and Stefan against the wall.

"Keep them in place!" she yells an order at me.

I hold up my hands and murmur a spell to make sure Klaus and Stefan stay stuck to the wall. I won't be able to maintain this for long, though. Hope knows that, right?

Hope gracefully jumps over the sunlight line, and in doing so, she transforms into a wolf. Stefan, Rebekah, and Klaus all let their jaws drop, not being able to form a single word at seeing the truth of what Hope is. Using this to her advantage, Hope easily manages to tear her wolf fangs into Rebekah's neck.

Once she does, she transforms back into a human- With her clothes intact, and everything. Some kind of transfiguration binding spell, I guess?

At that moment, I lose focus on the spell holding Klaus and Stefan in place. They stumble forward, and I stare at Klaus warily for a moment.

"Forbes!" Hope shouts to my mom, and nods her head towards Stefan.

My mom takes in a deep breath, and tackles Stefan to the ground. The two begin to fight. I rush over to join them, before pausing to look at Hope in hesitance.

"Help her," Hope nods, looking more confident than I've ever seen her before. "I can take him myself," she looks at Klaus.

While using my magic to help my mom win against Stefan, I observe the fight between Hope and Klaus.

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