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Once I got out the shower. I walked into the room and Indigo was laying across the bed in her sports bra and some sweats. She looked sooo good. I haven't had sex in the past 4 days and I was ready to serve it to her. I guess she felt me looking at her cuz she turned to look at me. She smiled and sat at the end of the bed.

"Come here..." she said

I smiled and walked over to her. I sat on her lap and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"I missed you..." she said

"I missed you too..." I said pulled her to me

I looked down at her lip and kissed her.

"Your mom's downstairs waiting on you..." she said in between kisses

"She can wait..." I said grabbing her face and kissing her harder

I felt her hand sliding up the towel as she squeezed my ass. I moaned in her mouth as I moved closer. She moved her hand up to my lower back, picked me up and laid me on the bed. She lifted my neck and she started sucking and kissing on my neck.

"I miss you so much..." I said pulling her closer

She started sucking harder as her hand ripped off the towel. She moved down to my titties. She gently bit down on my nipple as I let out a moan and arched my back. She slowly started licking around my nipple as her fingers started rubbing my clit. She let go of my nipple and got on her knees. She held my legs open by my inner thigh and bout to devour me.

"AMARIII!!" I heard mom yelling my name

"GIVE ME A MINUTE!!" I yelled back

I pushed Indigo's head down.

"GET DOWN HERE NOW!!" She yelled back

I rolled my eyes then look back a Indigo.

"Come on..." I said opening my legs wider

"Go see what your mom wants..." she said standing up

"Indigoooo..." I say whining making her laugh

"Go see what she want. I promise I'll finish tonight..." she said before pecking my lips

"UUUGGHHH!!" I groaned while having a tantrum

She grabbed my towel, dried me off and I put my clothes on. I went downstairs to see my mom, Liyah and Naomi sitting on the couch.

"Yes mom..." I said smiling sitting in front of her in the chair

"What you've been up to??" She ask

"Nothing much. A couple of weeks ago we went back where we used to stay because Indigo's mom passed away..." I said

"I'm sorry to hear that..." she said as Indigo came downstairs
"Indigo I'm very sorry for your lost..." she said looking at Indigo

"Thanks..." Indigo said with a small smile

"How have you been??" She asked her

"I've been fine, Thanks to your amazing daughters and Aaliyah's friend..." Indigo said smiling while coming up to me

I hugged her and pecked her lips.

"What else been going on??" Mom asked

"Nothing much..." I said and she looked at me

I hate when she looks at me like that. Is that look where she knows something and just ready for me to spill.

"You sure you haven't been doing nothing else??" She asked

"Yes mom..." I said sitting back in the chair

"What you been up to Liyah??" She asked looking at Liyah

"Nothing crazy. Like a month ago I went on a trip with Naomi and her family. We went to 2 water parks, had great food and I had a great time..." Liyah said looking at mom

"How did you 2 meet??" Mom asked

"We met at Walmart. She was with a guy and we ran into each other..." Naomi said

"Where's the guy??" Mom asked

"I stopped talking to him cuz we was a ding-a-ling..." Liyah said making me laugh

We was sitting quiet for a while.

"So, what y'all wanna do??" I asked looking at everybody

"What you wanna do??" Mom asked

I looked at Indigo, she shook her head and I looked back at mom.

"I don't think you want me to answer that..." I said

"Amari..." my mom said looking at me

"I'm just being honest..." I said
"Y'all wanna go get some food cuz I can definitely use some..." I said after my stomach growled

"You must haven't been eating cuz I heard that all the way over here..." mom said looking at me

"Not really..." I said

"And why not??" She asked

"Didn't have the appetite..." I said

"Oh. Well then we can go eat..." she said

"I'm bout to go do something to my hair then I'll be back down..." I said getting up

I went downstairs with Indigo behind me.

"Why I got the feeling she knows what's been going on??" Indigo asked sitting on the bed

"Yeah I do too..." I said honestly
"She knows when I'm not telling her something or not being truthful with her. So I would expect her know I'm not telling her what really been going on..." I said

After I grabbed my shoes, did some to my head then we headed out. Indigo drove and mom sat on the front. My arrest release papers was sitting on the arm rest. Before mom could even peep them Indigo put them inside the arm rest. I forgot to put them in the house when I got them. I was just ready to take a shower and wash my hair.

We drove for few minutes then we pulled up to The Steak house. Indigo looked at me in the rear view mirror and smiled at me. She know this is my favorite place to chow down at. We got out the car and walked in. We waited 15 minutes then got seated. The hostess passed us some menus and said our waiter will be with us soon. We were talking when the waiter came. I was looking at me menu but as soon as looked up my eyes landed on BRITTANY SMITH. When she seen me her eyes almost fell out the socket.

"Hello again Brittany..." I said with a fake smile

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