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The twins are now one and they are very active and love to get into things. They are now walking. Well they've been walking since 10 months.

So lately the twins haven't been wanting anybody but Indigo. Like that don't want me at all. They don't want me to feed them, put on their clothes, picked them up or even put them to bed. They don't even cuddle with me anymore or they don't even let me change them.

Indigo had an idea for me to have a day with them. She left this morning before they woke up so we could have a day to ourselves. I already cooked breakfast and I was on the way upstairs to wake them up. I went to their room and they were both in Calm's bed. I went up to the bed, squatted down and woke them up.

"Good morning..." I said smiling as they sat up
"Hey..." I said looking at them

"Ma..." Rhythm said looking for Indigo

Calm was also looking behind me to see if he could spot her. He looked at me.

"Ma..." he said pointing behind me

I sighed.

"Ma gone. Let's changed y'all's pull up..." I said grabbing their hand

Yes, I said pull up. We are in the process of potty training them early. They got it little bit but not the whole thing. I wiped them off, changed their pull ups and I brushed their little teeth. I took them downstairs then put them down. They started whining once they seen that Indigo wasn't in the house.

"Let's go eat eat..." I said trying to get them to come to the kitchen

They were not coming so I brought the high chairs and food to the front room. I went to pick Rhythm up but she pulled away from me whining. I picked her up and sat her in the high chair and put her food in front of her. I picked up Calm and did the same thing. After a while of whining I finally got them to eat. They ate while watching cartoons. I grabbed my plate, sat on the couch and started eating. Once they were done eating, I gave them some fruit juice in their cups. They continued watching cartoons as I cleaned the kitchen and washed dishes. I took them out the high chairs and put them in the their little playpen. I started cleaning around the front room. I couldn't believe they were actually being good with me. After like a hour, I gave them a snack and more juice after I changed them again. They ate their snacks and ended up taking a nap.

I was texting Indigo telling her how good they had been. They were really letting me play with them, feed them and all. I was watching movies while they slept. After like a hour, Rhythm started tossing and turning then she got up. She sat up while rubbing her eyes. Once she got herself together, she started look around until she spotted me. She looked at me for a few seconds then started back looking around. My guess is that she was looking for Indigo. She didn't see Indigo and I seen it in her face that she was bout to cry.

"No no no no no..." I said but she started crying anyways

I was trying to calm her down but she started screaming which woke Calm up. He sat up looking confused. She said started screaming for Indigo. After a while I finally got her to calm down. It was bout time for them to eat again. I went into the kitchen and cooked them some Chicken nuggets and fries. After it was done, I sat them back in the high chairs, put their food in front of them as they watched cartoons. I fixed myself a chicken sandwich. We were eating them all of a sudden Rhythm just emptied all her food on the floor. I sat my food down and started picking it up. I put ketchup in her bowl and she started slinging it everywhere.

"Stop..." I told her as I continued getting food the off the floor

She put her hand in it and put it in my hair.

"Rhythm stop..." I said grabbing the bowl but she had a grip on it
"STOP!!" I yelled

Her face instantly balled up then she started crying.

I sat the bowl down and I went to grabbed her but she started screaming. Every time I went to pick her up she was scream to the top of her lungs. I was trying to calm her down but she wasn't listening. She started scream and she threw up. When she started throwing up Calm started crying. I tried calming them down but it wasn't working. I grabbed my phone and called Indigo.

"Hello..." she answered the phone on the second ring

"You can come back..." I said getting them out their high chairs as they continued to cry

"What's going on??" She asked

"Rhythm threw her food on the floor and was throwing ketchup everywhere, I mistakenly yelled at her and she started crying until she threw up. When she threw up, Calm started crying and now they won't stop..." I said

"I'm on the way..." she said before I hung

I was sitting on the couch watching them scream and cry until they got tired. The finally stopped crying. Indigo came threw the door. They both stood up and ran to her. I got up and went upstairs.

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