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When Mari called me the twins was screaming and crying. Mari sounded like she was about to cry. I flew home, when I made it to the door, the twins got up and ran to me. I picked them up then looked up to see Mari going upstairs. I hugged the twins, played with them for a few seconds, sat them in the play pen then went upstairs. Mari was laying in the bed with her back turned. I went to the other side of the bed and she was crying.

"Baby..." I said getting in bed

She wiped her face and looked at me.

"Am I doing something wrong??" She said sitting up as tears fell

"No, you aren't doing anything wrong. You are an amazing mama..." I said grabbing her hand

"They don't want to be around me. They don't want me to touch them, change their pull ups, feed them or nothing..." she said

"They're kids who are spoiled. It's not like that. You are a great mother to both of them. They prolly want me all the time cuz I'm the one who play with them all the time..." I said looking at her

She nodded while sniffing.

"Come here..." I said pulling her arm

She sat in my lap and laid her head in the crook of my neck. I rubbed her back.

"Never think like that every again. Your a great mom, the twins and I are grateful to have you..." I said

I grabbed her face and made her look at me.

"I love you..." I said

"I love you too..." she says before kissing me

We pulled away.

"I need to get downstairs and clean up the mess..." she said she started to get up but I grabbed her

"You okay??" I asked and she nodded
"You sure??" I asked

"Yes Papa..." she says kissing me again

We got out the bed and went downstairs. Mari started cleaning up the mess Rhythm made. When she was done, I let the kids out the playpen and they started walking around. Mari washed the dishes then she came to sit on the couch. Rhythm walked up to Mari and tapped her leg. Mari looked at her.

"Pick up..." Rhythm said holding her hand up to Mari

Mari picked her up to give her to me but she wanted her. She looked at Mari for a minute before grabbing her face and rubbed her nose against Mari's. A big smile spread across Mari's face which made me smile.

"Mama..." Rhythm said touching Mari's face

"I love you..." Mari said looking Rhythm

"Nove you..." Rhythm say making us laugh

Calm came up to the couch and tried to climb on it. He figured out he couldn't so he looked at me. I picked him up and sat him between us. I put it on cartoon movie and we sat on the couch and watched movies. After the second movie, I looked over and they were all sleep. Rhythm was in Mari's arm sleep, Calm was laying across her lap sleep and she was knocked out. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of them. I grabbed the kids and took them upstairs and put them in their beds. I went back downstairs, picked Mari up and took her in our room. She had her arms wrapped around my neck so when I laid her down she pulled me with her. I fell on top of her, she flip us over so she was on top and she snuggled into my neck while pulling the covers over us. At this point I ain't have no other choice but to lay down. I wrapped my arms around her and decided to take a nap too.

*hour and a half

I was woken by little hands tapping my face. I woke up Rhythm was hitting me in the face while Calm trying to get on the bed. Mari was still on me sleep. I shook her, she moved but she didn't get up.

"Baby get up the kids are up..." I said and she got up

She rubbed her eyes as I pulled the kids on the bed. Rhythm was trying to get in my lap but Mari was sitting on my lap.

"Mooove..." she said trying to pushing Mari off me

"This is my woman..." Mari told her

"No..." Rhythm said pouting

"Yes..." Mari said laughing

"NO!!" Rhythm yelled

"Yes..." Mari said

"Nooooo..." Rhythm whined

"Leave her alone..." I told Mari as I put Rhythm in my lap in front of Mari

"That's alright cuz I got Calm..." Mari said getting off my lap and going to Calm

Soon as she got close to him, he crawled over to me. She opened her mouth and held her chest in shock.

"So fuck me huh..." she said

They was just looking at her smiling.

"Okay..." she said nodding and getting out the bed

She pointed middle finger at us and went into the bathroom. She came out the bathroom, came back to the bed and got in it.

"What's on the menu for tonight??" Mari asked looking at me

"Make some Philly Cheesesteak..." I said looking at her

Both of our phones started ringing. I picked up my phone and it was the gang. I answered and got in the camera.

"We did not call to see you..." T said to me

"Well fuck y'all..." I said

"Fuck..." Calm said softly but we heard him

"No no, bad word..." Mari told him

"Fuck..." he said

"No..." she said raising her hand up like she was gone hit him but he just smiled

"Mama..." he said crawling to me

He climbed on her and put his hand in her shirt to touch her titties. That's definitely my boy cuz I love her titties just as much as he do.

Anyways I put the camera on the twins and they started talking to them. The twins started talking back. They were talking good but then they started talking and ain't nobody understand them but them. We let them continue talking as we made our way to downstairs. I sat them in the playpen, cut on cartoon then grabbed my phone. I sat on the couch as they watched tv. I got in the camera.

"What y'all hoes doing??" I asked

"Baby and I just got home..." T said

"Nothing laying down..." Juice said

"Bout to go cook..." Storme said

"Watching scary movies..." Sanjay said

"Bout to beat Cree's ass..." Skye said

"Run up..." I heard Cree say making us laugh

"We chilling, where's Mari??" Logan asked

"Right here..." Mari said getting in my lap and putting the camera on herself
"Wassup whores..." she said laying back on me

They all started talking and I slid my hands in her shirt and squeezed her titties. They've grown a bit since she had the twins. I started sliding my hand down her pants to see what she was going to do. At first she was just looking in the camera at me smiling.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot??" Jilly asked

I rubbed my finger against her lips.

"Stop Indigo..." she said getting up making me laugh

"I know y'all are not being nasty while we on this phone..." T said

"That's Indigo..." Mari said

They finished talking. Mari started cooking, we ate, the kids ate, we all bathe them we went to bed.

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