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Today the twins are now 6 months and we having them a little party.

Author note: I know I'm flying through but I'm tryna get this one done. It's longer than the first one and it wasn't supposed to be this long!!
Also, I decided to do a trilogy cuz after the third book that is it for Indigo and Mari.

*Give me title ideas for the trilogy*

Like I said it's their 6 month party. They're half way to one. Mari woke up this morning happy that her babies are half way to one. When they got up she sung happy birthday to them. They were laughing while kicking their legs and moving their arms.

I was currently at the store getting them a little cake. I had already ordered it, she said it was going to be a hour so I was going around the store getting shit just to kill time. After I got everything, I went back to the deli and waited a few minutes later until the cake was done. I went to check myself out then I left. Before heading home, I stopped by the flower shop to get Mari flowers just because. She's just amazing. She's amazing with the kids. Amazing with me. She everything I can ask for in a woman and more. I can't wait until I'm able to officially give her my last name.

I got the flowers, stopped to get gas and headed back home. I grabbed the bags out the car and went inside. Mari sitting on the floor playing with the twins. I came in the door and Rhythm crawled to me. I sat the bags on the couch and picked her.

"Hey Princess..." I said tickling her stomach

She laughed. Mari stood up with Calm in her hand.

"Hey big boy..." I said rubbing his feet because he had it stuck out

I turned around to go get her flowers.

"You left some in the car??" Mari asked putting Calm back down

"Yeah..." I said

He crawled up to me too. I picked him up and took them both outside with me to get the flowers. I grabbed them and Rhythm started trying to tear them up.

"No, these for Ma Ma..." I said moving them far from her

"Mmmm..." she said trying to say Ma Ma

"Yes..." I said smiling

"Ma..." Calm said rubbing my nose

I looked at him and smiled. I went to the door and Mari met us at the door. She looked at me and smiled.

"These are for you for being so beautiful and amazing. I love you so much..." I said smiling at her

"Thank you baby..." she said taking the flowers

She hugged me and gave me a kiss.

"Ma..." Calm said moving his mouth because he wanted a kiss too

Mari got on her tip toes and gave him a kiss. Mari looked at Rhythm.

"You want one too..." she asked playfully pinching her legs making her scream and laugh

"I think that mean yeah..." I said smiling

Mari gave Rhythm a kiss too. We all went back in the house. Mari put the flowers in water and started cooking. She was cooking fish and spaghetti for us and fish nuggets and fries for the twins . We let them eat table food once in a while, but we make sure to break it down good for them. I sat them in the front room inside the little gate with their toys and put it on cartoon so they couldn't get into something. I grabbed their little cake and took it into the kitchen. Mari was washing off the fish.

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