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*2 months later

The twins are now 2 months and 2 weeks. The gang are finally coming down to see them. Everybody was excited about meeting the twins. People don't call our phones to see us they call to see the twins.

We had just got done feeding the twins and burping them. Mari started pumping her breast milk and we feed them with bottles now.
Anyways, we started changing their pampers when someone knocked on the door. Naomi got off the couch and opened the door. The gang was stand there with smiles on each and every one of their faces. They walked in and sat their bags down.

"I thought y'all was going to call when y'all made it..." I said looking at them as I buttoned Rhythm's shirt back up

"We did but you didn't answer..." T said
looking at the twins smiling

I picked my phone up and she had called me 4 times. Then I realized my phone was still on silence since earlier. The twins took a nap in our room so we both silenced our phones.

"My bad, it was on silence..." I said

"Can we hold them??" Juice asked looking at us

"Yeah, but go sanitize your hands..." Mari said

I handed the hand sanitizer to Juice and everybody sanitize their hands. Mari picked up Calm and gave him to Juice. I gave Rhythm to T.

"They just got done eating so they may spit up..." Mari said putting a blanket on T's shoulder and Juice's

"That's okay..." Juice said in a baby voice as said she looked at Calm

They took turns smiling at the twins and hold them. Calm ended up spitting up on Storme and Rhythm didn't spit up until she got back with Mari. Storme wiped herself off with a wipe and sat back down. Mari just wiped it with the blanket and kept it pushing. At this point we are both gotten used to getting pee, spit up and shitted on. We are immune to it now.

"Their names really fit them..." Jilly said

"Yeah, we seen that the first couple of hours of having them. Calm is very chill and relaxed and Rhythm is the one that be trying to talk and always wanna be up..." Mari said

"Yeah, Calm be going with the flow. But Rhythm is dramatic just like her mom..." I said and Mari smacked the back of my head

I looked at her and stuck my tongue out.



We started rocking them cuz it was time for them to take a nap. Within 10 minutes Calm had went to sleep but Rhythm became fussing cuz she was sleepy and didn't want to go. Indigo laid Calm down in the bassinet and I took her upstairs so we could laid down in the bed. I was rubbing her face as she looked up at me. I smiled at her and she was just looking.

"You love mommy??" I asked in a baby tone

She said a little sound and it sounded like she said no. I opened my mouth and look at her shocked.

"You love mama..." I asked and she smiled
"Oh yeah, you definitely tryna take my woman..." I said looking at her

She raised her little arm up.

"Oh, you wanna fight..." I said tickling her

She was letting out little laughs. I stopped tickling her and she raised her arm back up.

"You wanna fight again..." I said and Indigo walked into the room

"What are y'all doing??" She asked coming in smiling

"Fighting..." I said making her laugh

"For what??" Indigo asked sitting by my legs

"I'm rubbing her face and she wasn't smiling. I asked her do she love mommy, guess what she said..." I said looking at Indigo

"What??" Indigo asked smiling

"She told me no. I looked at her with my mouth open like what!! So I asked her you love mama and she smiled. Indigo I told you this baby is tryna take you from me..." I said as Indigo and I laughed
"Then she lifted her little arm up to hit me so we started fighting..." I said tickling her again

Her little laughs were so cute.

"She's needs to be taking a nap..." Indigo said

"We're bonding..." I said smiling

"She needs a nap..." she said looking at me

"Okay Okay..." I said looking at Rhythm
"Mama's being a party pooper..." I said and she smiled
"I'll get her to sleep, hit the lights..." I said to Indigo

"I'm serious..." she said and I nodded

She cut the light off and she cracked the door. I look at Rhythm and she was looking at me.

"You ready to go to sleep or you wanna stay up??" I asked her and she yawned
"A nap, okay..." I said smiling at her

I got her comfortable and laid her down. I rubbed her little legs and watched over her while she went to sleep. While looking at her I ended up falling sleep.

I was woken up by my phone ringing. I grabbed my phone and silence it before it woke Rhythm up. It was Logan, I answered it.

"Hello..." I whispered

"Hey, did I call at a bad time??" She asked

"Nah, Rhythm is beside me and I didn't want to wake her..." I whispered

"Sorry, but I was calling to tell you Dakota and I won't make it until tomorrow. Our flight got rescheduled..." she said

"Aww. Y'all was looking forward to seeing the twins today..." I said

"I was, but I'll get to see them tomorrow..." she said

We talked for a lil bit before we hung up. The door opened, I looked and it was Indigo.

"He still sleep??" I asked

"Yeah..." she said nodding

"I can't believe how much they looks like you..." Indigo said looking at Rhythm and I

"I don't see it. Yeah Rhythm and I have the same nose but I don't see it..." I said honestly

"Those faces they be making, looks just like you. Calm little sneeze sound just like yours. Rhythm stubbornness, yours. All y'all look like triplets. Rhythm got your nose, Calm got your eyes and mouth..." she said smiling sitting at the end of the bed

"Mom did tell me Calm had my mouth but my eyes too..." I said and she nodded

I went to the end of the bed and sat in her lap. She wrapped her arms around my waist. I pecked her lips twice.

"I miss you..." I said rubbing her lips

"I miss you too..." she said smirking squeezing my ass

"I would tell you to show me but Rhythm's here..." I said smiling

She grabbed my neck and kissed me. It started slow and passionate then it got sloppy. I started sucking on her tongue and her hand squeezed tighter.

"Mmm-mmm..." I said pulling away cuz I already know what it was giving

She opened her eyes while biting her lips.

"Can't wait to fuck you..." she said looking deep in my eyes

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