Twenty Four | Thanksgiving Break

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"You are a disgrace to society. Macaroni and Cheese is delicious! Especially the one your mom makes for Thanksgiving dinner." Delaney debating about food with Atlas has to be one of my favorite things to watch. The boy almost choked on his cereal when that came out of Delaney's mouth.

He takes a napkin, wiping away the milk that fell onto the counter. "The texture is nasty."

"But the taste Atlas." She emphasizes with a chef's kiss. "The taste is so good."

"No, cheese is gross. Now let me eat my cereal in peace."

She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. "See that Nyla?" Delaney points to Atlas who went back to eating his cereal. And honestly, I can't blame him. Cereal tastes so much better at night as opposed to the morning. "He hates Mac and cheese."

"Baked Mac and cheese is delicious. But the stove-cooked one is disgusting." I say so I am not on one side of the argument.

Thanksgiving dinner was yesterday. Unfortunately, I had to go out of town to be with my dad's side of the family. Don't get me wrong, I love my family but there is always something about the dad's side of the family that makes them stick out more than my mom's.

See, my mom's side is very calm. Both families have a special place in my heart but family gatherings are something I cannot stand.

The only reason I can't stand gatherings is that I have no cousins my age to talk to. They are either a little newborn baby or a grown adult that talks about how well his self-made business is going. I do not care. You're twenty-five and have your life together. Good for you.

Dakota stops at the bottom of the stairs in his house with a glass of water in his hand watching his sister and best friend arguing about macaroni and cheese. His eyes go back and forth between the two several times. He walks into the kitchen area they are standing in. "This is what I come downstairs to? I will settle this debate. Baked Mac and Cheese is the best."

"That's what I said too!" I agree, moving the slightest.

Delaney continues. "A whole lot of people disagree with you Atty. Kraft sells one million boxes of it per day."

He raises his eyebrow, his spoon stopping midway. "Delaney, why in the world do you know that?"

"As an avid Mac and Cheese lover I-"

Dakota shushes her. "We get it. Seriously, we do. Talking about food, both of you girls need to eat because I cannot have you guys passing out from the proximity with others tonight will cause."

"Cereal?" At offers Delaney.

"I am okay." She waves it off like it's no big deal.

Apart from hanging out with my amazing nana the whole thanksgiving dinner, it is the day after Thanksgiving Day. That means one thing. Black Friday shopping. The local mall is closed all day long in preparation for the mass amount of people making their way there tonight.

Delaney and I are huge shoppers. Okay not technically shoppers, more like lookers. Same difference. We love to walk around shops but not buy anything at all. I think it is the pure joy of being out with your friends that backs me away from spending money.

But the sales are so good this year I might just have to cave in and get some more clothing...

"This girl already has her whole shopping list planned out."

It takes me a few seconds to register that Dakota was talking about me. I cannot lie, my mind is on getting one thing tonight and it is Strawberry Icecream. I don't care how cold it is outside, if there is ice cream on sale from a cute parlor, I will be the first to get some.

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