Twenty Five | Trip With The Reid's

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Planning family vacations with my family and the Dubois goes one of two ways.

We either go to Quebec.

Or we travel to a random state on the east coast.

No, not New Jersey. As much as I love it there, there is no way we will be going back.

"I say we go to Wyoming," Julian says, pointing to the state on the little map that is on the coffee table.

"Who the hell lives in Wyoming?" My dad asks him. Julian never fails to make him requestion their entire friendship. Obviously, that is in a joking manner, but it is hilarious to watch.

Julian's face clearly shows that he has no idea either. "Uhh Buffalo or something, right?"

"They barely have sixteen percent of New York's population alone."

"Fine, pick a place, Reid. Preferably where it is not snowing because it is too cold here."

"Somewhere in the South? Alabama."

"Fuck no," Julian says quickly.


"No way." I hear my mom call out from the kitchen.


"The only cool thing there is Atlanta." Atlas comments. "So no."

"Can we please go to Alabama? I want to make fun of the frat boys." My sister says, earning a laugh from the moms.

My dad keeps calling out states, all but one receive a no. "Now why in the world would you want to go to South Carolina? That seems even more boring than Tennessee."

Delaney moves from her seat next to Atlas and sits by my dad to get a better look at the map. She points to the state all the way South from us. "Are we going to act like Florida does not exist?"

"Absolutely not. There are alligators there." My dad says quickly. "And it is too hot there."

"Oh come one, Dad. It must be at least in the seventies there right now. Plus, don't worry about the alligators. We have a friend who got chased by one." Atlas throws his head back, covering his face and I look the other way. My girl is getting called out and she doesn't even know it. "She is a true Floridian and she just so happens to be our neighbor. I can call her over and she can tell you all about it."

"You're telling me Nyla got chased by one of those devils while she was down there? If anything she attracts them." Julian laughs. "Better yet if that thing is still alive it might remember her."

"We should go to Florida, bring Nyla with us and she can be our tour guide. She didn't live there for five years for no reason. Her house was five minutes away from the beach. I bet she knows all the best spots." I say. I know my parents have no problems with her coming along, but her parents are the main barrier we have to get through.

My dad thinks about it for a while. "But her parents never let her go on trips with us..."

I knew he would respond like that. It is expected. Her parents, especially her mom, are protective of her. I think her diagnosis expanded it.

"It doesn't hurt to try. She is older and can take care of herself. Plus Delaney will be with us." I try to be as convincing as possible.

"You know all of us will say yes but if the Dylans say no, then it's a no."

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