Epilogue | Dear Dakota

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Dear Dakota,

Nyla here writing a letter to you from her desk in her dorm! Though I am going to see you later today I thought I would tell you about my first week here.

On Monday, freshmen had their orientation to go to and the number of people who wore orange was absurd. You will never catch me wearing Orange and I promise that until I graduate from here.

Tuesday, I moved in. But you already knew that because you were here that day. I am so lucky I got a room all to myself. My suitemates are all super nice. I decorated my dorm room and made it feel like home.

Wednesday was my first day of classes and I kept thinking I was going to get lost. Luckily I didn't. Most of my professors are nice. One seems a bit strict but I will try to get on her good side.

Thursday marked the first time I went inside the library since our tour in November. Dakota, when I tell you I might end up living in that space, I am not joking. It has such a nice and quiet ambiance, it is so nice and cozy. I cannot wait to go here during the fall time to live out my Rory Gilmore dreams.

Today is Friday so I have no idea when you are going to get this note. I had all of my morning classes already so I have the rest of the afternoon to be in Presley. I am excited to go and see what your dorm room looks like. (Hopefully, you put some time to decorate it. No worries, if you didn't I will help you.)

I will continue to send weekly updates to your dorm room. I have a folder ready for your responses so you better have the binder ready.

Love you lots, Dakota.

Love, Nyla Dylans

(No, I haven't worn the color orange yet)

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