Twenty Eight | Syracuse

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Zombie or not, I feel and probably look like one this morning.

Last night was interesting, to say the least. Damiens Chihuahua escaped the house. I am sure most, if not all of us were running away from that demon.

How can one thing be so tiny but crazy scary?

Next door, Rowan's pretty golden retriever came outside and it felt much easier to be around it. I knew exactly what was going to come out of Delaney's mouth when she saw the dog. "Oh did you get it because it looks like you?"

You know what Delaney? I think I will leave right now.

The adults left to get groceries and whatnot for the rest of the week and I am the first one to wake up. At least I thought I was.

I walk into the living room area with a blanket draped over me and stop in my tracks to watch the show playing on the tv.

"What is so fun about watching Mickey Mouse at eight in the morning?"

Dakota doesn't believe me when he hears the time. "It is only eight? The sun must rise earlier here because I was certain it was nine-thirty."

I shrug and sit down next to him on the couch. "I don't know but want to know what I do know?"

"Hmm?" He hums with curiosity.

"We are going to walk to my favorite part of town. It's a downtown area where many of the tourists go but it will be fun."

Before he could get the chance to respond, a thump comes from the stairs. At first, I hear an "Owww," and then an "I'm good!" I lift myself to peer over the railing but the wall doesn't let me see.

"Uhh," Delaney appears, rubbing her head. "Good morning guys."

"Morning... are you okay?" I ask uncertainly.

"Psh yeah I am fine. Totally did not just get a migraine. Where are the carpeted steps? I just slipped on the hardwood stairs!"

"Our house doesn't have carpeted stairs. What are you talking about?" Dakota replies.

Delaney ignores her brother and walks into the kitchen. "So Nyla, continue. What are we doing today."

"To go see frat boys."

"Really?" She asks super excitedly.

"No," I disappoint her. "But there will be many tourists. Everyone's Thanksgiving break is different so there are new people every day."

Slow but steady steps echo from the stairs and this time At appears. He looks exhausted. The main reason why is because he was the chihuahua's main target since he started running first. He made it all the way to the rental and never came back out.

He puts up his middle finger for merely a second and lays down on the couch side across from us.

"Atty, how was the run? Did you burn any calories?" Delaneys asks as she cracks some eggs.

He rolls his eyes the closes them, pretending to be asleep. "Way too many, Delaney." He mumbles against the pillow.

"Hey, be lucky it wasn't Sierra's Husky."

He jolts awake so fast and horror is written all over his face. "Sierra? Husky? What?!?"

With that alone, anyone can sense that we are cat people instead of dog people. I love dogs, but there is something about cuddling up with a kitten on a cold fall day while the leaves are falling and you two are nothing but calm. Now that is the best.

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