Twenty Seven | Florida Boys

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Instead of going straight to Nyla's old house, we decided to be somewhat generous and help put the bags away. We each claim a random room in the house and that is when Nyla and I bolt out of the house when no one is watching.

The first thing I notice about the part Nyla used to live in is that it is filthy rich. It almost makes me question why she would move away from such a great place. Okay no, I take that back, I love that she came back to New York, but damn she could have invited us at least once.

I swear each house gets bigger and bigger as we walk along the sidewalk. There is a cool breeze and the smell of saltwater fills the air. Though this warmer weather is nicer than the cold in New York, this humidity is horrifying.

I mean my hair must be a puffball by now. I try to flatten my hair with the reflection of my phone and Nyla laughs when she sees me struggling. "That is why you wear your hair in a low bun when you're outside."

"And let everyone see my big ass forehead? No thank you."

I follow Nyla when she turns the corner and we enter a new street that seems never-ending. I also take back what I said earlier, these houses are huge. I mean hello? They have palm trees and literal balconies.

"I had to walk this much every single day to and from the bus stop. It is a workout. I think it's worse than the hill in Presley." Nyla says, taking her hair out of the bun she had it in.

I agree this has to be ten times worse. Luckily, it is flat terrain and not hilly. Is that a word? If it isn't then oh well, it now is.

The school bus came by earlier and there was a shit ton of high schoolers getting off. Most, if not all, looked our age. They aren't too different from the kids that live in Presley. There were so many boys holding Lacrosse sticks that I am sure I lost count.

"Do you ever get scared that a seagull might just come and take a shit on you?" I ask so out of the blue it catches Nyla off guard.

She laughs awkwardly. "Laney, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Well you know how New York has geese and they take poops everywhere. I assume it must be the same here."

Nyla shakes her head no. "I am glad to say that has never happened. Is that on your bucket list of things you want to happen to you while you're here?"

Seriously? Absolutely not. Imagine how embarrassing that would be. "No way. I am staying away from those things."

We continue walking down the street until a guy on a skateboard zooms past us. I give Nyla the look of mischief and call out some random things to get the guy's attention.

Nyla grabs my wrist when I start walking faster. "Delaney, what are you doing?"

I put my hand up, letting her know I got this. When my eyes get off of her I look back at the skater boy and slowly walk up to him. "Hey Blondie, I have a question," I call out to him.

He looks at Nyla then at me. "Nyla, hey. Welcome back?"

Oh shit, he knows her. Anyways...

"I have a question," I speak up. He nods his head up, taking his earbuds out to let me continue. "You know, as a Floridian and all, do seagulls ever... you know, take your food. Even worse do they shit on you?"

I swear this boy choked on his own saliva. "Let me guess, Delaney?"

"Stalker much, huh?" I accuse. Blondie points at Nyla and she puts her hands up in surrender. "You liar! You did have friends here!"

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