past, present, and future you

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Second Person POV...

Dear me,

Don't be alarmed; just think of this as a split second advertisement. You'll understand soon. Hopefully.

You remind the young prince of the Clover Kingdom of a character from a certain story he read. The character had lived many lives- and always looked back on them fondly, cherishing the memories, and it made them stronger in the end.

You remind him of that. Perhaps it's the way you stand or present yourself. Maybe it's because of how you so boldly laughed when the King came in. Or it could be the way your eyes sparkled. To him, the book had described you two the same.

In truth, there was really no resemblance, but who am I to say that? I haven't read the book yet.

And maybe the prince is right. Perhaps you were a commoner who overcame all of your struggles and lived happily in some medieval world. Maybe you were an orphan, and ridiculed for being so in another. Or you could've had a normal childhood, loving parents, everything.

I know this is confusing, but I need you to listen.

Heed my words.

Regardless of whether you remember these lives or not, they are always apart of you. They make you who you are. And remember;

Don't trust them.

No matter how trustworthy they seem, they're lying.

And they're always watching. One day, we will break free.

-You, from the past, present, and future


Words: 248

Published: December 4th, 2021


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