𝑋𝑋𝐼. 𝐶𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑁𝑎𝑚𝑒

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Fun Fact I just found out: My favourite colour is red lolol. And uh, I'm using Canadian English now? i forgot how to change it on Grammarly like the idiot I am.

Second Person POV...

"Oi... Snowman."

His blood splattered my clothing.

You chuckle at the fool who does not know he has assured his death. Interrupting you while you were having a jolly old time? Inconceivable! The man's white four-leaf clover grimoire glows with warning.

Gauche quickly becomes injured, as does Sister Theresa. For now, I'll send them back. With a wave of your hand, Spatial Magic comes down and takes all of the children with Sister Theresa, healing their injuries as well. 

You kneel down to Snowman and begin healing him and Gauche, but not without a few words to the person that had done the very same thing to you. 

"I knew I recognized that mana. And you couldn't even come up with a new attack. How boorish," you mock. 

Your enemy seems shocked that he couldn't even start his monologue but by the time he opens his mouth, you finish healing Snowman and Gauche, copy his mana, and sending a spell with both his and Captain Fuegoleon's magic flying his way.

"There's a taste of your own medicine," you grin darkly. The man barely has time to dodge, his pale and braided hair swishing as he evades. "And revenge for what you did earlier, you fucking asshole." You add. 

His appearance matches the description of the character, Licht, from the book besides the red markings and longer hair- Shit!

Thoughts taking a pause, you dodge his next attack and shove Asta out of the way as well. Continuously, you deflect blow after blow, as he relentlessly delivers them, leaving her no time to think about the resemblance between him and the character.

But he is thinking about the resemblance between you and a certain female that you've heard of a lot since coming to the capital.

"Ms. [M/N]?" The man pauses and you do as well, breathing heavily. "Why are you helping these humans? They betrayed us, every single one of them." You look at him questionably, having not heard his earlier words.

"I don't know you or what you're talking about," you gesture towards Asta. "Also, what reason would they have to betray me? We're friends and have been since the day we met." You slowly move down to a position where your speed wouldn't fail you, your grin never leaving your face. "And you should've finished me off earlier."

(As I read the manga while writing this, I realize I should probably let Licht speak, you know, so we can get to know the villains... that was my bad lololol)

"Before we do that," the pale-haired man stops you. "Why don't we get to know each other first? Since you seem to have lost your memories, Ms. [M/N]." 

You quirk an eyebrow but comply with his wishes as to give Gauche more time to recover and such. He and Snowman are still incapacitated as we speak. The man lowers Sally away, wiping his tears in the process. When did he even start crying and like, for what-?

The man looks at the zombie-looking guy, who replies to his stare by saying he didn't know things would turn out like this. Well, neither did I and here I am!

"It wasn't your fault, Valtos," his rich voice is filled with reassurance. 

"They must've used some sort of underhanded trick again."

The man, now known as 'Valtos,' nods solemnly.

And then, the pale-haired man is fine, and he places one hand on his chest like some god and one palm out because that's a pose we love. 

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