Chapter Five

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Chapter Five| The Paths we're on

Rengoku had successfully saved his Haori from being ripped!  The fight between them was short but boy did he end up having his gakuran jacket torn . It wasn't irreplaceable though. The small squabble effected (y/n) by loosening her clothes. They have been the same for some time so it was time for some new attire... maybe a bath...

During the time, Rengoku had covered you and had taken you out of where you'd be staying temporarily. He had placed you elsewhere in the Hideout. You of course were just to follow him blind. The thought snuck in your mind to flee but you were slightly aware of an ounce of the Hashiras abilities. The fact also being that it was light out. It was nice of him to cover you up though. Rengoku trusted you wouldn't do anything either. Why? Well, he'd simply take your neck then.

While walking with Rengoku, you started to have a recap of then. How different he looked now. He grew out his hair, he got taller, and his voice got more manly. Puberty did him justice as well as whatever Hashira training he's went to cause he's strong to be able to physically handle you.

The more you thought about it, he hasn't hesitated to act upon you. Not forgetting your existence as a demon is unacceptable to their code as Demon Slayers. You weren't aware of what he told his superior but maybe because, who can resist his smile. Wait, what?

"Alright, I'm going to bring someone." You found yourself seated upon something soft. Rengoku's footsteps going away but after minutes the door swung open again. A gasp.

"Oh my!" A voice spoke and the door slammed. Bickering outside the door. You wouldn't bother hearing well but you heard them through the door anyways. It went something like.

"What happened between you too? Thank goodness you weren't in your haori!"

"I thought sanemi killed her already."

"He was going to but she's my responsibility."

"Did you bring the clothes?"

"Yes! But you said it was for a friend."

"She is my friend! She was apart of my life while I was growing up!"

"She's a demon? Rengoku-Senpai...."

"You are woman! I can't do anything like that! I refuse to touch my friend in any kind of manner!"

"You think we're gonna just play dress up with her?"

"Her seal must stay on."

"Oh, she's blind....?"

"She can dress herself. I've got dressed in the dark before."

"I ended up having my jacket backwards..."


"So loud..."

"I guess I'll have to kill her. She is a demon after all."

"Please refrain! She's for me to deal with."

"Oh, my apologies. Then I'll offer a less painful death."

"Refrain! It isn't necessary."

"I dunno..."

"The clothes! I can't stand her bosoms being about after her latest outburst!"

"I have tests to run soon...Let's just make this quick."

"She was so pretty too.... I wonder kind of demon eyes she has..."

The door had creaked open this time instead of being slammed back closed. Your head was lowered when they had entered. Tilting your head up to hear as they talked outside the door. You pushed your hair back as the seal hung over your eyes.

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